This is cool and all, but you don’t even do anything. You just click some buttons and receive rewards. It’s boring. You should receive a quest to go on an interactive mission to do some sort of dungeon or raid challenge instead. That’d be a lot more fun and incentivize end-game content for casual players.
His list isn’t what’s coming out in 8.1. His list is his opinion on what’s launching on Dec 11th. An opinion not everyone shares. But is conveniently presented as though we all agree with him.
Are you sure? Like really sure? Because it sounds like you are.
As an lfr player who got a 395. I played the warfront. I worked towards winning efficiently and quickly. I communicated with my team. I’d say I earned the gear I got. Just because I didnt smash my face against a raid boss means I didn’t work for it?
Please, you black knights are just getting more and more rediculas every thread…
I’m not sure what about there being 2 Island Expeditions and an Arathi re-skin aren’t true. I’m not saying you can’t have fun with them, but it is basically an Arathi re-skin. You should try it on the PTR sometime.
Nothing I presented in this post was opinion other than the fact that I said nobody will do Island Expeditions, because that was an exaggeration since there are people who enjoy them, but the community has voiced a lot of concern for what they consider a broken system.
You forgot about the pet battle dungeon. Alarm-o-dog looks amazing.
Also even if you hate islands I recommend trying them out in 8.1 They’re supposed to be changed a lot. I can’t really say if they’ll be any better, but at least try them.
I’m positive I’m not hating to hate! If I were, I probably would’ve quit the game by now.
As for working towards winning in a Warfront… ;/. I’m not sure if you noticed, but Warfronts are literally rigged for you to win. They’re almost unlosable. They even said it in the Warfronts Overview video on the official WoW YouTube channel.
That doesnt mean I did do my part and participate.
Like i said before, just because you throw yourself at a raid boss every week doesn’t make you the only one who deserves good gear.
I gathered wood, I gathered metal, I killed rares, I pushed objectives, I ran tank spec so someone could take the boss, etc… I played by part, where there am I just riding a guaranteed win?
I have tried them, actually. While there’s less trash and more rare mobs, all that’s added to the formula in the actual instance is the Azerite Rupture, the Azerite Extractor and the incentive to earn Seafarer’s Dubloons. There’s just nothing that’s game-changing that I see making these spectacular. I might do a few, as the new islands look really pretty. Hell, maybe my opinion will even change. But right now, this is just how I feel.
I would agree with you if Warfronts provided a challenge, but in comparison to raiding, Warfronts are such a cake-walk. I am all for them having diverse content that provides different ways to progress your character, but if it doesn’t provide the same challenge as raids/Mythic+ do while still providing the same type of gear, I find that to be a very broken system.
I’m just tired of people insulting us for sharing OUR opinions on the game. Just because people love the game doesn’t mean those are the only people who should exist. When players who dislike the game want to voice their opinions too, they should be able to do so. It’s obnoxious, honestly.
I see differing opinions, pointing out that while you may not like it, others do… and one guy who can’t let semantics go. I don’t see this victimizing you’re speaking of.
This raid does look very promising. To me, I think it’ll be the best one since Throne of Thunder. That’s something to look forward to! Even better, it comes out on my birthday!
The disappointing thing is that this is the only thing that’s promising.
This is one example of many of us players who have a negative opinion of the direction the game is going in experience on a day-to-day basis when we express our ideas about the game.