Here’s a real look at what’s coming for Battle for Azeroth in terms of content on December 11th:
Two new Island Expeditions that nobody will do. Sure, there’s the new cosmetic vendor, but it’s the same mechanics + a cosmetic vendor and a weekly mission. Still doing the same thing over and over for Azerite.
An Arathi re-skin that we’ll do once a month for free Heroic gear without working towards it. Remember that there’s no guarantee that the random item you’ll get will even help you. It’ll probably just grant 395 TF with a socket to an LFR player again. Oh, and half of the playerbase shouldn’t even bet on doing the instance right away. They’ll have to wait another few weeks.
Re-skinned world quests that give you a currency for even more cosmetic rewards. Still world quests with no new open world gameplay styles or mechanics. Maybe the item you get from these will give you an upgrade, but considering this is a slot machine, it most likely won’t.
A gated questline with like 10 minutes of content a week. Exciting.
I’m not hating to hate. I don’t hate the game, nor do any of the players who are voicing their opinions. We’re concerned about the game we love and hate the direction it’s going in. 7.1 was amazing, and even though 8.1 > 6.1, the dislike ratio on the actual videos show that the community isn’t happy at all with the direction this game is taking.
Yup, but this shouldn’t be all they’re for. I’m honestly surprised that you’re not Exalted with all the reputations yet though. Warfronts aren’t engaging content that provide anything fun or rewarding for current progression.
It definitely had an impact in terms of going against the corporate game empire, but you can’t ignore the ratio. People are discontented with Battle for Azeroth. Just because the forums aren’t a majority of subscribers doesn’t mean that they’re representing the feelings of many who don’t go on Reddit, YouTube or the forums.
Also, there’s not even any way we can know. After all, Blizzard stopped showing their sub numbers, which was TOTALLY not because the numbers were tanking and didn’t want to show that they were in a rough spot.
Yeah, but you didn’t read the post then. I’m going over what’s coming out upon the release of the patch, not the timegated content we get 4 weeks later.
7.1 had Karazhan, a dungeon welcomed by many, as well as the Trial of Valor mini-raid, which provided a fun challenge for those who wanted to continue to gear without doing Emerald Nightmare over and over again.
this isn’t what’s actually coming in 8.1 as a raid is actually coming in 8.1, but your list omits that
somewhere between creating the title and writing the post you got confused as to what you were talking about and instead gave us a list of December 11’s content
I was never referring to the title to begin with, nor did you mention the title in your first reply.
One month is a huge difference, believe it or not. This is 8.1.0. 8.1.2 is January 22nd, along with all of the actual content people care about. The mini-raid and the content involved with that is being gated until March or April rather than coming along with the release of 8.1, which is sad.
EDIT: 8.1.2 presumably, but whatever is coming on January 22nd isn’t 8.1.0.
I enjoy these. Run them for the weekly on my main, and use them to level alts. I’m excited we’re getting a few more maps.
I will enjoy running this. I enjoy farming the rares, and the new world boss that comes with it. I’m even ok with new wq and the time gates questline. Dont forget new heritage armor questline is available too. You left that and added paragon crate to reps out of your post, but you were just being such a pessimist so I can see why.
Also, a raid tier always comes in every patch nowadays. As I said, I’m talking about the content coming December 11th, not January 22nd. It’s a whisper compared to what came in 7.1 upon its release.
Also, quick fact:
7.1 came out 8 weeks after 7.0. New dungeon, new raid right away.
8.1 came out 23 weeks after 8.0. No new dungeon or raid right away.