Not more depriving their identity with high elf nonsense. Embrace the void!
Not more depriving their identity with high elf nonsense. Embrace the void!
Man these look so cool. I really like the top center one.
I really do not like void elf lore.
Then don’t play them? Some people enjoy them and more void hairstyles would be nice.
That’s my second favorite, getting some Ursula the sea witch vibes.
Unsurprising coming from a MHP.
I’ve yet to meet one and this is more of my elf fatigue talking I’m sure someone exists that enjoys the lore.
See I have no idea what you meant there? I don’t like void elf lore because I’m a human male paladin? No, I don’t like the void elf lore because it is awful trash can story telling. The birth of void elves came from our Lead WoW developer not wanting to give Alliance High Elves.
The neck tentacles. I don’t get it. I hate it on Space Goats and I’m not fan for Velfs.
That’s fine, we can turn tentacles on and off now and those hairstyles look very unique for both void elf aesthetics.
In addition, yes.
I don’t know why people think it must be as an outright replacement or think we can’t have both.
Then ignore it? It’s not forced upon you.
I agree. The Void options should’ve been doubled down on and increased the all voidy options. Like adding partially void phased skin, sha skin, spikes, eyes on their skin, etc.
This can be said of many Allied races, not specific to Void Elves. Vulpera don’t even have lore, we’re not even sure what their origin is, similar to Pandaren only without a class lore to prop it up. Some of the races have lore from priorly established zones like Kul’tirans, Nightborne, Mechgomes etc; but I feel 8.3 was a really big missed opportunity to add to VE lore with N’zoth and Nya’lotha. If we ever see more Old gods in a possible future Light Vs Void expansion, I sincerely hope at least a 3rd of it is reserved to involving the Void Elves somehow.
These are the Void elf hairstyles made by Faebelina. The tentacles are woven between the braids and the bun
These do look good, but I actually prefer the less void and high elf options, alleria who is the leader of the void elves and the most powerful void elf has no tentacles or void skin the race should look like the racial leader.
Again if you enjoy the void cool, nothing wrong with that, but judging by the type of void elves I’ve seen running around, and the character profile pics on the forums from void elf posters I’d say your in the minority.
More of any customizations is good, though I think blizz made the smarter move going with more high elf options instead of the void route. (Doesn’t mean they won’t add more void options in the future) Though if they were really smart they would have given alliance high elves from the beginning.
Wow these are actually pretty cool.
I really like that bottom left one.
Sad when fans outdo blizz on customizations. Hair styles are so restricted on this game.
You get that Void Elves come partially DIRECTLY from High Elves right? That the Void itself takes differently to each individual? There is no “depriving” anyone of anything, they can choose to take a more VE look or go the marginal route.
I like some of the picture you showed…not a fan of the shaved hairdo’s but i guess more choice is better so whatever even if it’s not my style.
I have to admit, those look good.
No. Their lore is garbage. Their “identity” is garbage. It was bad effort on Blizzard’s part and a terrible mistake and for what? Their cosmic war nonsense which no one likes and is dead on delivery.
They’re just a cheap foil for LF Draenei who actually had some backstory and reason for being. They were pulled out of someone’s behind for that reason and they could have been any race you wanted but they went with high elven types to spite the high elf lovers.
They have NO identity because they’ve only existed for a couple of years. They’re elves, high elves. that is their identity and has been for thousands of years. The ones in existence were born into and raised in THAT CULTURE, THAT IDENTITY. Yes now they’re cursed to madness once the void whispers finally overcome them but that doesn’t change their heritage. It doesn’t make them another race with another culture. Void elf “culture” is idiotically following a heretical madman a few years back who very nearly got all of them turned instantly into void slaves and who left them teetering on the edge of that madness for the rest of their cursed lives. That’s not a culture, that’s an affliction. They then ran off and senselessly joined up with the same faction that now hosts light zealots as if those are going to co-exist super peacefully.
Warlock class identity is stronger, has more history, depth, nuance to it than void elf “identity” yet you don’t see class specific character customizations.