This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

It’s COULDN’T. I couldn’t care less…


The fact you think only the majority should matter is part of the problem.


Ah yes the new tactic of anytime someone has a complaint that someone feels is not ‘justified’ they’re a Karen, as a way to basically try to discredit them. Not surprising.

Considering your conjecture, you seem quite sensitive about the topic in general, as most people that call other people such names are.


This thread here is a great example that some people are still extremely bitter about not being on the CC and the opinions of others getting more attention from devs.

You call Maizou a Karen for their critique and throw a fit here and whine about their thread, when you could also just… you know…shrug it off and read something else. The irony is hilarious and I see more Karens here than in the CC.


Pointing out a bad CC thread has nothing to do with being bitter about being on the CC or not.


They have their opinion. You have yours. No need to stir the pot.

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Wow, 30 likes?!? They should definitely remove the joke because these people speak for the rest of the millions of WoW players.

Grow thicker skin and find something else to worry about. It’s a harmless joke, Worgens aren’t oppressed. Believe it or not, they aren’t even real.


They are stirring the pot. Like they do in almost every thread they post in. That CC member is toxic and needs the boot. Period.

If their post history wasn’t private people could easily see them being constantly involved in drama.

They. Need. To. Go.


I don’t think it’s reasonable to make fun of anyone just because they are criticizing actions from a company.
The joke itself isn’t even the problem. It’s, just like some April fool’s patchnotes, the unwillingness from Blizzard to respond to hot topics and wishes from the community and then make fun of them. I’m not sure if this company is already in a state where they can afford to do this. It’s a bit tone-deaf and these kind of actions, not taking the playerbase seriously, is part of why Blizzard is in the dire state it is today, reputation-wise.

Talking about “not throwing a fit”, lmao. You guys need to relax a bit, just like OP. Whining that people should be removed from the CC and are trolling, just because you can’t handle a normal opinion about a joke, is far more toxic and Karen-like. Really, listen to yourself. That’s so dramatic.

A normal opinion? Hahahahaha


You beat me to it. Lmao!

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As I said, you can’t handle it. That’s why someone like Maizou is on the CC and you’re not. You guys here are just some toxic donuts.


I’m not on it because I choose not to. Did you think of that?

“toxic donuts?”

Oh my heavens. I am just taken aback by that horrific comment. I’m just so hurt.

How offensive and vulgar!

(This is how y’all be acting)


Okay you are taking this way to far. Reported. How dare you.


I wasn’t the one complaining about the (non-existent) toxicity from a CC member and demanded that they should be removed, just for a simple opinion.
It’s a bit weird to come in here and complain about trolling while… trolling.
But I see, there’s no use in further discussing this. Blizzard can take the criticism much better than some folks on GD and that’s all that matters.

lol ,–NO WE WOULDNT – we be laughing our heads off because its a JOKE - thats something that we used to tell before people decided to get offended at everything other people say


You’re entertained very easily, aren’t you?

Blizzard can’t make jokes anymore. They are to hurtful. Imagine being a worgen and hearing a joke like that. You’d go running home with your tail between…wait, no. No tail. Just running home with your emotional trauma tucked between your legs.

The agony. :roll_eyes:


This is the real tea