This is what needs to happen to High Elves

In Shadowlands the the only way to save Azeroth is for the high elves to band together and cast a massive spell. After a blinding light they’re either all dead or they walk out with Kul Tiran bodies. The spell unfortunately took a heavy toll on their bodies. All the blood elves that want the blue eyes has to pay the price and all alliance that want it… well the same price.

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I think I have a better solution.

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Much better indeed, they turn into humans with cigar transmogs. Cigar mog is PERFECT for a firemage.


lol, well that is funny

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I’d rather they all die horribly or be force convered into void elves. Have Alleria go postal and absolutely annihilate the high elves within the Alliance with void goop and for bonus points, make her kill / devour Vereesa. That way the boring sister is dead, the high elf problem is solved, and void elves stop living in high elves’ shadows.


I have a better idea:

Language warning if you be a lee lad or lass

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