This is so stupid it hurts

I am not even joking but I worry going to see a fix for the barbed shot interaction with wild spirits in the patch notes soon…

Wait, I thought they fixed Stomp double-procing it back in the beta? Or is there some other Barbed Shot interaction I don’t know about?

People have been saying they fixed it so the animal companion stomp doesn’t proc a 3rd wild spirits, if I understand them correctly.

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Oh, that could be it. I definitely remember them fixing something related to Stomp double-procing it, but Animal Companion Stomp being that double-proc is definitely a valid reading of that as well.

And if they fixed the MM one, I feel like the BM one is only a matter of time. Probably just not enough peeps playing BM for it to have gotten on the dev radar yet. >.>

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tanks do more damage than hunters?
blizzard: buffs pet vers
blizzard: thumbs up gif
it would be cool if hunters mark was applied automatically

Erm…why? It’s a PvP utility button for the most part. It’s only PvE interaction is if you have the conduit, and in that case you basically just slap it on the boss before combat and forget about it. And frankly, the Feign Death conduit is probably better anyway, since it works against environmental damage, DoT damage, and things not flagged as “coming from the boss”.

In fact, I still have a bookmark to a sheet showing what things the conduit does and does not work on. There’s a remarkable amount of red and yellow on the sheet, including a fair chunk of the more lethal or relevant damage sources:

i was going off the fact that its a time waster animation but i get where youre coming from i just upgraded my feign death to 210 still most of the time i end up thinking about my dps, not trying to survive

what really gets me is the population size… 52k got shafted… hardcore, and blizzard cant read forums im trying to make a mega thread but i need help guys

Moofz said:

Marksmanship has fallen in the rankings quite a bit all due to a recent bug fix

who is this brain dead that is doing post and saying it was a bug fix? jesus …

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Buff SV, delete Carve, and make Butchery baseline. Replace Butchery with wilderness survival.


I looked that that chart and the top is so far a head of the middle of the pack.

Man, when’s the last time a Shaman spec came out the gate before the .1 patch swingin’ like that?

This will do nothing to help Survival btw.

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People are calling it a bug fix because that was the language used when they first did a similar change a couple months ago for BM with Animal Companion and Stomp.

End result is the same no matter how it’s called. There’s no need to insult anyone.

They should make Survival a RP class able to do campfire in the woods. This way they have something to do while their guild is raiding.


Did you read the rest of his comments? It’s spot on and you probably should.

Furthermore, everyone knows it’s a nerf. I’m just not sure the Devs knew the impact of it.

Doesn’t matter what it’s called at this point really.

Nerf. Bug Fix. End of the day all that matters is MM got obliterated and now hunters are in really bad shape overall.


Survival’s single target damage is so low I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I dropped off hunter to play ww monk again and Doh I shoulda just quit…or went moonkin aff like all the other fotm…so demotivated to continue playing tbh.

I’m sure hunter will get buffed again guys, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

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