This is really confusing me

On my another account, I disabled authenticator on my bnet app, and once I did that, this authenticator thing disappeared from the bottom of my login page. But when I try to log in back, the authenticator verification code is still needed.

So why is this happening? And how am I supposed to look up the code since the authenticator has already been disabled?

Are you certain you’re logging into the same account as the one you removed the authenticator from?

And I’m not asking “do you think you removed the authenticator from the correct account?” I’m asking “have you checked what battletag is on the account that seems to still have the authenticator, and the battletag is on the account you removed the authenticator from?” Because it sounds like either (a) you removed an authenticator from the wrong account, or (b) are trying to log onto the wrong account.

This is their other thread for context. Just to help for info.

I pretty sure about that. I mean it couldn’t be wrong. Cuz I only got one account. This is my girl’s phone, I borrowed it from her so I can post this

What is the Battletag of the one you are referring to - this one, or another?

Also, have you fully relogged - even the launcher?


Your still posting on your friends account, so no reference to the one you are actually posting about.