This is off topic but…

Sphinx cat named Beauregard, but mostly called baby wrinkle or monster.


Morgan Freeman - Bearded Dragon. Kiddo named him, not sure why he picked that name. I call him Pancake because he sploots on his warming rock.
WoW hunter:
FunshineBear - Plague Bear
TootsiePop - Owl
Fluffybutt - Cat

Had a wiener dog named Mittsy.
Then a couple mutts named Cooper and Shadow.
Then another named Amber.
Last was a shepherd mix named Moose.
I miss them.


Got a pair of siblings. Cuvier dwarf caimans. Chomps and Moera.

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I think the last time I had a pet was when I was like 13 or so :cry:

Sadly, my parents never did buy a house, and apartments really aren’t the proper place to have pets due to simple space limitations and no backyard for pets to roam around

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This is actually just how you get a new cat sometimes.


Auriemmo, my Haflinger horse. He’s very fancy and pretty and I wish I could still post pictures.


I have no IRL pets but I have in game hunter pets named

Buffautobite (for a hunter named Buffautoshot)

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From oldest to youngest, I have 5 cats:

  • Socks (14 yo)
  • Riley (14 yo)
  • Tux (13 yo)
  • Tuffy (11 yo)
  • Oliver (7 yo)

Riley is the only one I didn’t name, I inherited her from my grandparents shortly before they passed away.

Pets I used to have (some named by my brother):
a dog named Rocky (collie/mixed)
Guinea pigs named Ginko and Rose
Gerbils named Silva, Snowflake, Snowy, and Shadow
and cats named Sam (1977, first pet), Boots Cupcake, Specs, Tiger, Hiss (she loved to hiss all the time even though she loved to be petted), Gateway, Marshmallows, Peaches, Midnight, Patches, Cuddles, Sundae, Ash, Lucky, Lucy, Cheddar, Colby, Sugar, Spike, and maybe a few more I forgot. Plus some 50 unnamed barn cats over the last 25 years, mostly TnR’d and usually didn’t care for human interaction

I also had a few goldfish but they were never named as I couldn’t hug them like that snowman who could hug a rabbit George

In-game, I also have an interesting pet name. Named Activision so when people looked at my pet with the name tag on, they’d see Activision <Blizzzard’s pet> as a joke when Activision was taking Blizzard in.


I have 3 cats.

Cutie a tortie tabby girl kitty.
Harley a black Maine mix boy cat.
Nugget… a silver tabby boy cat.

I have a white Maltese named Gizzy. But it’s really important that you know it’s pronounced like how you would say Gizmo but shortened. Every time I go to the vet and they call me back they pronounce it with a J, and every time I’m mortified thinking people actually think I named my dog that. :person_facepalming:t2:


Well okay I mentioned Peach but my other pets were at one point

A bearded dragon named Bam
A female rat named lizzie
2 male rats named Thor and Loki
1 Toy Poodle named Sherrie
1 Cocker Spaniel / Poodle / Dachshund accidental mutt named Brandie ( We didn’t name her that, all her siblings had alcohol names so that was her name lol )

I wanted to name Peach Mimzy at first but eh I’ve grown used to Peach. aka Peachy Weachy aka Peachathan as in Johnathan.


Oh I wasn’t aware of Nugget. Yall adopt another cat?

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Oh yes ages ago! I think back in the end of December… I think? Or January.

lol we had a friend giving away kittens and hubby was like, “Can… can we have one?” lol


And how is the goth jellybean?

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He is sometimes feisty but he is doing good.

Cutie is just over here like, “why… why did you get another one?” with nugget lol

He wants to play and she is like, “no”

Harley took really well to Nugget though. They play a lot and he tries to groom him lol

That’s good that Harley has a buddy. I know he was already comfy with Cutie but I mean a play buddy.

its a good little dynamic yall got going with their behaviors.

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Also is your pets name the same as your password recovery question? Just curious no reason at all

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For sure.

Now if I can keep Nugget out of the toilet… that would be great.

from Imgflip Meme Generator