This is off topic but…

Tell me your pets names and what they are.
I want to hear about cute animals

And go!

I’ll start. I have:

Blue Nose Pitbull named Zuko
Solid black cat named Jasper Wasper
Black/white cat named Tuxedo Bean Burrito


White/blonde Collie named Finnegan “Fineous Finley” “bestest boy”
Black Lab named Reese “dumptruck”
Black and white cat named Cookie “hag”
Brown striped chonker cat named Thomas “Tom Tom”
White/ Grey-blue cat named Gandolf the Grey “Gandy”
7 laying hens all named “the ladies/Pennies”


Did you also need the model of my first car and mother’s maiden name?

(sorry, spent too much time clearing phishing spam out of my text messages today)


I’ve two black cat brothers, adopted from West Virginia, earlier this year.

Their names are Umbro and Comet, and they are two years old.

The names were already given to them prior to adoption, I just liked the names so I’m keeping them.

Before this, I had a female black cat that lived to be 16 years old, her name was Cat lol, because she was my first cat, and it just kinda stuck. She was a stray born in my own backyard.


A wolf named Runewood, found near Runewood.
A hawk named Ramkahen, found near Ramkahen.
A bear named Auberdine…

Oh, you mean out of Azeroth.

I name my dogs after knights of the roundtable. Currently Sir Tristan and Sir Percival.


A pocket pit bull named Princess Peach


I have no pets. Perhaps one day an aquarium. But that day is not today.


Tuxedo cat named Charles. Stray kitten that meow’d at me in my work parking lot as I was leaving one night. Little guy jumped in the car and I was planning on taking him to the shelter the following day.

Now we’re stuck with him.


No pets. But there is a cat that comes around that I call Mr. Jingles. He is black and white has a collar on with bells on it. He visits often, I leave water bowl outside now.

No idea whose cat this is.


Orange Tabby named after Gundam Kyrios (Gundam 00). The series Gundam that specialized in hit-and-run tactics, which it how the tabby treated my feet.

Former Black Cat with a round face, named him Soot after the Soot Sprites in various Ghibli movies.


Dog named Patch.

Technically my brother’s dog, but he’s very communal. He’s the family pet.

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MyChromie its a crow and it’s a bad heckin crow that hangs with me.


I don’t have any pets right now, haven’t found the ‘right one’ yet. However, my current leveling hunter’s pet is a crab named Phteven… you know, Steven with a ‘ph’!


Huge gray / white manx named Max
Big pixie bob with no tail named Bob
Smaller pixie bob with giant raccoon tail named Pix
Tiny gray / silver American longhair named Teeny
Ginormo chub orange short hair named Thug

Long hair German shepherd named Mako (and she lives up to the name)
Long hair German shepherd named Jager (Yay-grr)

Several fishtanks.

Sun conure whose name I don’t remember, it’s my sister’s
Cockatiel named Clive
A green cheek conure whose name I also don’t remember

We have a zoo basically.


We no longer have pets in the house (my heart can’t take it when they pass on, and my wallet doesn’t like it when they have the inevitable health issues as they age…), but over my lifetime, we’ve had:

Poncho (orange tabby cat)
Pedro (grey/black tabby cat)
Peri (calico cat)
Bailey (Siamese mix)
Little Bit (Siamese mix)
Gandalf (little grey tabby kitten that died much too soon)
Shadowfax (black kitty with a grey undercoat)
Patches (the first, calico)
CB (grey/black/brown tabby)
Shadow (pure-bred Ocicat, absolutely beautiful to look at but dumb as a rock and a huge PITA, and he only ever liked me out of the entire family, and I couldn’t stand him)
Patches (the second, white with brown/grey spots, the last cat, the GOAT, there will never be another, and I still miss him)

Dogs… well… Parents had dogs, many of whom were Brittany Spaniels and were named Brandy. There were a couple of other names in there, but I’m not a dog person, and never really cared much about any of them.

My grandmother had a thing for names beginning with “P”: Poncho, Pedro, Peri, Pittypat, Pumpkin, Percy, others that I can’t remember as they were before my time. She spent gobs of time rescuing cats, and Patches the first was hers before she was mine. Pedro and Poncho were hers and then my mother took them with when she moved out. They were both still around when I was young. Poncho ran out the apartment door on a stormy night and never returned; Pedro lived to a ripe old age, eating Kraft Mac & Cheese from his kitty bowl, until he fell asleep under a cherry tree in the back yard and crossed the rainbow bridge.

Probably way more info than you wanted, but you did ask. :smiley:

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You are lucky to have both a dog and cats. I recently just lost my swiss shepard, Rei (ray) she had cancer in two different places. I adopted her when she was around 6. Another thing to consider, she hated to walk, so I didn’t force her, after all she had a decent back yard, even though she was taken to various parks. She had severe arthritis which was discovered from the xrays for her cancer Take Ques from your pet/


You tryna hack my email or what

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No I just need to talk to your pets about their car’s extended warranties :innocent:


Do you have a moment to speak about our Lord and Savior, Mewsus?

Extended? That sounds great. May I have two?