This is not an answer

Continuing the discussion from Will I even see playable Kul'tirans before my sub runs out?:

And for All we know, 8.1.5 could be releasing in 6 months. You did not answer or provide helpful information. You just found a condescending way to say “We’ll let you have it when we feel like it, and no I won’t tell you when.”


They didn’t give you an answer because the answer is likely “no” :confused:

Can’t wait until they announce the next xpac with features we can see in 2022!!


The other thread was closed and this one will be too. You got your answer They will be playable in 8.1.5.

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They locked it lmao what a joke


You must feel cool defending a billion dollar company


What’s he defending? he’s giving an answer based on information we have.

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Seems to me he was pointing out the fact that once a thread is closed any subsequent thread is likely to be as well.

Frankly I think its hubris to basically tell a blue “Whatever. We’re going to talk about it anyway.”

Or you know, just be a jerk to someone regardless.

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It is sad you know for the first time in my time playing this game, this is the first time I feel no rush, no hype for the new raid. I feel it more like a “meh, whatever” I dunno maybe the game is just not for me anymore. The only thing that sparked a small amount of interest was the new allied races but even that got pushed to the “soon”. Well for me that soon is a bit to late. Thank you blizzard for the years of fun. I wish you good luck on this new direction you taking the game.


The patch is already on the PTR. It’s a small patch, doesn’t really add a whole lot, so I’d expect it to be available around the middle of Feburary.

It’s ridiculous that a returning player who was sold on BfA because there’d be playable Zandalari may well end up waiting for the better part of a full year to play one.


I think they are waiting for the top guilds to finish mythic progress because the troll racials will be really op.

the wait is getting really annoying. if wow is hemorrhaging subs right now, its easy to see why.

the zanda and KT better be the best models with the best voices with zero clipping for all the waiting we’ve been forced to do. gotta say i am a lot less excited. a lot :confused:


lol are you new to the game?

I don’t expect straight answers from Blizzard, they beat around the bush all the time. Especially in WoD.

One minute, Faralon is going to be in the game, next thing Faralon is Ashran, it’s crazy

One minute, there’s a raid tier built around Shattrath, the next there’s only two tiers.

Plus side is it doesn’t require any additional unlock requirements anymore.

Non answer answer, and thread closed. Someone just earned a bonus, unless 15 million bucks just somehow got flushed down the drain…

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Plus the only thing there that’s like not finished is the races. (Minor stuff it looks like atm.)
Brawlers guild is looking good.

Between the cost of the expansion and staying subbed the entire time, these races are like $150 cash shop races.

Frankly I’d rather them just put them in the shop and let me buy them directly than jump through hoops and time gates. I’m sure that’s not far off anyway.

Do some research if you really want to know. It shouldnt be hard to figure out a reasonable estimate of the release date, based on legion releases.