I agree that fundamental features to a build should not be locked by hard content. It really makes the grind less fun when you can’t play the way you want. Realizing you missed a rune levels ago that could have made content so much easier, is a bit annoying. But I really can’t come up with a solution. Maybe splitting the runes between “major” and “minor”. Make the Major runes easy to find and unlock while the minor ones can be more niche to builds but harder to find.
I get what you’re saying. I rolled Mage because I wanted to jump into mage healing. A couple of their spells are very difficult and require them to be done at lv 25.
That being said, I feel is just the baseline and that once you achieve it you’ll have more time to enjoy this new introduction going forward into the next few phases.
It’s not perfect, but I get your issue on the matter.
Blizzard agrees it was a mistake and will be changing it, not til next phase but hopefully that means nothing like thos going forward
This is a stupid comment, You don’t need to observe and learn in SoD… Like, tanking is tanking. It takes 5 minutes to read abilities and understand how it’s played. Why would any runes only come from the lvl 25 end game at all? There’s no reason for it. What about people who have no interest in raiding? What’s the point in locking out content this way? It’s classic blizzard trying to force you to play parts of the game just because. They’ve been doing this for like 10ish years and it’s a big part of the reason retail is such garbage.
bruh if you have no interest in raiding era is not the game for you
What a bunch of whiny littles retail Andies. P1 is just the start, having to level up to 25 and just do 1 raid to get one rune is little effort. You will already have the skill to level up the rest on P2, 3 and 4…not having it just for 10-15 lvls of dungeons is not that bad.
If all these efforts are such a lot for you guys, you can always go back to retail…simple as that.
They are playing the wrong game lol…
based orc scum
Aggrend himself
this is like people that can only raid for 3 hours in era because they have “lives” and “families”. Im sorry but if you can’t dedicate at least 5 hours to AQ40 or Naxx then you can’t do AQ40 or Naxx.
This is a prime example of someone who doesn’t know something but says it anyway.
lol… posting his tweet without the tweet he was replying too is deliberately misleading…
He was replying to someone complaining about obtaining the rune later in the game if someone didn’t play phase 1. That so far is the -only- legitimate complaint, as I have said. And I would be willing to bet there will be a catchup mechanic for it post phase 1.
The guide on how to obtain this rune does not even mention a raid, I’m not sure if you are being serious or just trying to troll, but maybe you should check on that before coming on here looking like a dummy.
god this is sad
these people are the biggest adult cry babies
Yes it does… it says you need items from BFD and SFK. Look I’m totally against these whiners but the item -does- come from the raid.
And how exactly are they not? Can warriors tank without Defensive stance and a shield? Do warriors have to go into a raid, where another class which was given the ability to tank for free, geared and specced as dps to get the opportunity to tank later? Do Druids have to raid as another completely different role, gearset, and talent configuration just to be able to learn Bear Form? No?
Could warriors tank before SOD? Could druids? Could shamans?
People need to understand a few things:
Warlocks are not naturally tanks. This is a NEW way to play this class that can be unlocked through season of discovery play. You are not supposed to have it from the start. You are supposed to earn it. You can argue that the effort to gain it is too large, but you don’t get to argue you should have it from the start.
This is all new content and only for phase 1. There’s a whole three more phases of content for you to tank as. “Endgame” is only endgame for as long as the limitation is in place. Stop being melodramatic. If it’s that big of an issue for you come back in Phase 2.
And there will be more runes in later phases.