This is not 1.12 this is Classic

Most people agree with you. The handful of dissenting comments are mostly by a select few who we already know aren’t interested in Classic.


Lol jesus christ now you guys are turning on vanilla versions of the game. Whats next we say the nail in the coffin was 1.12 talents and we need to go back? 1.12 AV was just fine, it still potentially took hours to do. The ‘zerg’ fest didn’t happen until TBC. Yeah it RARELY happened in vanilla when you had a premade group that was lucky enough to hit the same que and the other team decided to not turtle but come on…

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Ideally I would want progressive talents, because the talents make the content easier. But I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

I thought there was a chance we would get the old AV experience.

It’s not simply turtle vrs. no -turtle… you’re missing the point if you think that is the case. Have you not played the original AV?

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Time gating content is not the same as actually changing balance and design of content.

And yet holding back the 1.10 loot does both…


And you with your 970 posts just lost credit with your stupid edit.

How about go on over here I'm fine with 1.12 AV and post the same?


No it doesn’t that’s still just time gating. Some other good examples, as far as we’ve heard we’re not getting 1.1 MC, we’re getting 1.12 MC at release of classic.

Yeah, it does.



So you’re telling me holding back the 1.10 loot isn’t going to change how people play the game, what loot people go after, and how much dps people can do?

We can officially say that ziryus you have moved past obfuscation and straight to lieing


Does time gating change how people play? Of course, if you can’t zone into an instance you can’t play it. Does it change what’s in that instance when you can, no it does not.

I’m really confused at what you guys want.

Do you want them to take 1.8 AV and put that in there on release? And then generally patch it up until we get 1.12 AV at the end?

Except they are doing that.

Some of the loot that was added or changed in 1.10 is straight up not going to be available at launch.

Once again ziryus you are lieing

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They want to pick and choose the parts of Vanilla that they prefer and turn it into a FrankenClassic. AV from this patch, talents from this patch, gear from this patch, raid from this patch, etc.

It’s not going to be available, that doesn’t mean the loot itself is changing. Or any of the other time gated content.

Never said it was, never even implied it was, that must have been what you WANTED me to think considering what I said lol.

Yes, I have. And it IS fun… for a little bit. I enjoy it but after spending 6 hours in one AV for the 5th time it starts to get a little ridiculous.

And 1.12 fixes this. Games are still lengthy, but not over the top. People acting like it’s some sort of late TBC rush drek strat every game is being just as disingenuous as people saying no one wants to play classic because it’s a 14 year old game. It’s not like that at all. And if you think it is, then you clearly don’t know what 1.12 AV was actually like.

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Most of us never wanted a pure 1.12 for various reasons.
We would have preferred an earlier version of alterac vallley that is less like retail.
You don’t have to go full 1.5 but somewhere a happy medium between the two.
We wanted pre 1.11 threat because it would help keep some of the stronger classes in check and help keep hybrids viable.
Among other such changes.


And why not? 1.12 for all its strengths also trivialized a lot of stuff and watered down others.


Except you literally just said they aren’t changing what’s available in the instance.

Now you’re saying they are.

Which is it?

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Are we getting 1.1 MC at release or 1.12? Are we getting the original Ony when its time gate comes up or 1.12? Are we getting progressive class balance patches? The list goes on.

So you wanted the following:

1.8 AV
1.11 threat
Other changes.

I don’t think in any point of Vanillas 2004-2006 timeline did all of those things align. No one has every walked into Naxx and done it with pre 1.11 threat, since naxx shipped in 1.11 and would have had the threat changes.

The closest way to deliver an authentic complete package is to have a flat 1.12 everything. That is when the stars aligned in Vanilla in 2006. 1.12 AV, 1.12 threat, 1.12 talents, 1.12 everything.

1.8 AV, 1.X threat, Naxxramus….that never existed… That’s not even Vanilla. No one in the history of WOW has ever played under those conditions.