Hello all!
-This is going to be a long one, with of course, a TL:DR down below.
First off I’d like to say that I’m posting on Emerald Dream, specifically because I’m going to be looking for a guild home for my character. I’ve been browsing the other RP server forums and ED had the most enthusiasm, that I could tell, for uniting RPers; Alliance and Horde alike in order to get a more fulfilling RP experience.
Now with that said I’d like to share a little bit about:
who I am
what I intend to play
and what I’m looking for when it comes to having an awesome gaming experience.
Personally, I’m an average 27 y/o dude that’s been a gamer for most of my life. Working a lot, trying to better my life. I’ve recently gone through some really heavy things in life and I’ve had to, for all intents and purposes, start over and find out who I am as a person.
When it comes to my general gaming experience I’ve played a lot of RPGs. However, I’ve never really played World of Warcraft to its fullest potential. I.E I’ve never raided, or have done any meaningful rated PVP. I’ve been playing since vanilla off and on very casually. Always playing again when a new expansion comes out and leveling up to max level. Looking back at it now, I really did it because i’ve always had an appreciation for the lore and the story of the characters that i’ve come to know and love.
I admittedly have almost no actual RPing experience other than some of the rules I’ve been reading about here on the forums. I’ve done ONE session of DnD with some friends. I’m also a pretty big “Critical Role” fan if anyone is familiar with that.
Which brings this to a full circle. I’m coming to the realization that I indeed love the story and the lore of WoW, and I’m trying to be more involved with the community.
Lets get to some fun stuff!
While doing some research I’ve been really keen on having my main character be a Zandalari Troll. However I would be just as happy playing a Night elf priest because I personally like the lore of Elune. I’ll explain this a bit later.
The basis of my Zandalari troll is that he would be a Resto Shaman - Witch Doctor.
Okay! Almost done!
Going to just talk a little bit about what I’m looking for when it comes to a guild and people to play with in general.
I’m **NOT ** looking for chill, laid back , 420 lets just log in and do whatever-guilds. I’m not looking for a complacent group of people that are okay with being mediocre. I try to put effort into what I do. If i mess up I try to learn from my mistakes and do better next time. I’m looking for like minded people. I understand this is a game and its meant for fun, and that’s great! However, I’m looking to get the most out of this game as I can.
My time-zone is CST. Currently my work schedule is 5:00 P.M to around 11:30 P.M CST. So i’ll be looking for either early morning guilds or late night guilds. I’m willing to adjust my sleeping schedule to accommodate as well!
Horde/Alliance guilds!
The ideal situation that I would be looking for is a Horde guild with a sister Alliance guild.
If anyone is reading this that is like-minded and is wanting to start a guild and shares the same desires; come talk to me! :] I’ll be online most of the night!
27 y/o CST new to RPing (has common sense) seeking RP guild that’s active and driven. Horde w/sister alliance guild. Will be RPing either Zandalari Troll or Nelf Priest.