When the Horde and Alliance came to our lands, what did the Pandaren try to teach them?
Balance in all things. Emotions kept in check.
You can feel it in the land when someone goes too far. Anger, fear, hatred, those negative emotions that illicit a heightened response against others feeds something that creeps below the surface and continues a cycle that should have died long ago. The Old Gods empowered these negative thoughts with physical manifestations and look at what we see now all over Azeroth. The Old Gods rise again, hatred and enmity abounds, and the world bleeds and dies while we continue to give in to hate, pride, and fear. Fear spearheads destruction against foes for any reason we can contemplate.
So, I have journeyed forth from Pandaria to see for myself and call to service those that would stand against the corruption and spread of the Old Gods. A warrior born and bred hailing from Kun-Lai Summit, I have now found my true calling, to carry-on the fight against the Old Gods and those that would use fear to fuel the anger and hatred of the masses into causes that will end all of Azeroth.
I have seen firsthand that rampant fanaticism can wrought undue harm upon the land, the world, and especially upon each other. If you stand against Azeroth, you will find the Mystic Knights, an enemy you did not count upon, standing steadfast in your way.
OOC information:
Cross-Faction Guild - The Mystic Knights[A] and Knights of Mysticism[H]
If you seek enlistment, seek me out in Dalaran, where I am staying in the interim of finding a permanent HQ in these divided lands.
In game:
Spicyqueso aka Ren Stoneheart– to send mail/set appt.
Alliance Discord: place a msg. in The Mystic Knights channel: or
Horde Discord: contact Abelia or Kaitohutohu in game or place msg. in Knights of Mysticism channel –
You can add btag MrthePanda#1597 for discord information and to get more information on both alliance and horde guilds.
Open to all classes/races, RP-PVP, D20 and role play events planned.
Ren Stoneheart
Templar of The Mystic Knights
former Commander of the Order of the Valley of the Four Winds, Stoneplow Militia