This is LAME

In Ms. Garrison NO! You hear me!? You go to Hell! You go to hell and you die!!


Blood Elf F look stupid with weapons twice their size. Daggers being the main problem

Is this a bad time to ask for a Frostmourne skin transmog :crazy_face: :popcorn: They would probably make it the size of a pocketknife lol.


You just jelly! Buster Sword waifu best waifu.

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 they are to busy refining 'i can’t handle spiders" mode. Check back in a few years.

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the frostchisel :cold_face:

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This requires an immediate response. All the other bugs are irrelevant until this is at least addressed by a blue with an estimated time until hotfix

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They also moved the pepperonis on her face to different places. Not kewl man. Not kewl.


I’m hoping they made the Shaman 1h Axe bigger then
 it was more of a hatchet

nice daggers lol

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But a Buick is decidedly more deadly than a two handed sword.

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Awww it’s cute!

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It’s bigger than huge, Chris, it’s large.

oh my went from huge sword to looks like a dagger

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Oh God, that was terrible. My poor orcs looked so defeated with their itty bitty shoulders.

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Fun detected fun deleted.

Woohooo another fun thing getting ruined.

Good thing I ruined my subscription cause you know getting money is fun got to nerf that too.


I mean, this is true, but it being ridiculously big was the appeal.


If it isn’t an issue to you, go be bored somewhere else.

I didn’t spend my limited resources just to have them flushed down a toilet.

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Sadly no
it’s more like a one hand sword now
 it’d probably get even smaller with how weapons seem to scale depending on wielder so it may look like a toy sword in a BE or VE gal’s hands. Really do wish they’d stop nerfing the size of weapons who’s appeal is that they’re huge and intimidating