This is LAME

Is that supposed to be the sarge sword?

omg i’m so upset about this

look at the name of the sword - " Valarjar Champion’s Greatsword"

there is other greatswords like the Lustrous Daybreak Greatsword that is way bigger…


Blizzard, why everytime you put your hands on something in the game you ruin it. STOP, for gods sake stop.


they need to revert all these size changes i’m hearing about.
no reason to be doing them.


It was me. I told them giant anime swords are dumb for two reasons. One: because they are, and two: because anime is dumb. Sometimes they listen to reason.

(Just kidding! I didn’t say anything to anyone about your big dumb anime thingy.)


It looks so much better! now if they could do this to EVERY blood elf female weapon thatd be great

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the not so greatsword :woozy_face:


I fought it’s some visual bug, but looks like they actually did it

Anime is dumb but so was changing the size of my sword.


Interesting joke poke… Though honestly, I wouldn’t put it past these newer devs and “on site committee” for having this reason while at the same time being out of touch with the old guard who used artists like Frank Frazetta, Julie Bell, Rebecca Guay, Boris Vallejo, Ernie Kane and Alfredo Alcala for character, armor and weapon design inspirations, as well as some older zones have a lot of inspiration to these artists as well.
To even going as far as the route of wanting to take away from the old guard’s stylization and inspirational art they used cause they deemed it problematic and sought to ultimately change the direction by starting with weapons.

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*Insert George Takei face * Oh my…

This word sickens me.
But just this once, yes.
This change was absolutely “yikes”.

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Sure, everything you said is true, but let’s not pretend this isn’t about a big dumb anime sword.

Which OK yes, also sure, should not have been shrunk because people who like big dumb anime swords bought what they thought was a big dumb anime sword and now it isn’t. Or at least not nearly as big or (maybe?) as dumb or as anime (I guess).

Thus, the thread title is indubitably true. My friends: this, indeed, is LAME.


While the sword is indeed big and dumb at it’s full size it is still 2 feet or more too short to be an anime sword.


Need Dragonslayer.
Berserk crossover event when?
never ever, despair

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Your alt is not hideous. They are wonderful and amazing though they really need to fix that silly sword issue.

Along with the hundreds of other things they broke… (sigh)



Also, change back the Archivist’s Elegant Bag. These surprise mog changes are not cool.


I noticed that one, too.
From a nice backpack to a bucket of tools and junk.
Very sad.

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oh my god tovi
I love you, this genuinely made me smile, thank you


Man that sword was perfect, it looked like an actually great sword and it hung on the back at the hilt and looked natural.
Of course this leads to an even bigger problem this means blizzard can nerf anything from the tender store.


Now it has the proportions of an actual 2h sword instead of a Buick.
