This is killing my guild, experience, and faith

Hey Blizz team,

I’ve been a fan for a long time, and I’ve been really disappointed lately by the lack of attention to WoW classic. My guild is and has been on Whitemane for our entire play-through. It’s throttling our attendance and even causing some of our ranks to abandon the game altogether. What should be a fun gaming experience, is instead fraught with long wait times, orienting your entire life around the game, and being completely uncertain of the future of your invested time and efforts. The server is massively overpopulated. Ultimately the responsibility of ensuring the game is playable falls on you, the publisher of the content. Please address the 4+ hour queues on the server the same as you have for EU servers.

Word cannot accurately convey the frustration and disappointment we face as a community on Whitemane. If you want people to stick around for what comes next, it would be wise to ensure they can enjoy preparing for the next phase.

Thanks much! And Good Luck!


“go play shadow lands” -Blizz Exec


Adults realize that corporations aren’t their friends.


I gotta say I do love people’s determination. This is has been going on for weeks and yet they keep trying to get Blizzard’s attention.

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I mean while I get that it sucks for you and your guild, these constant posts about queues are getting annoying. You have been told at the launch of classic, multiple times, that certain servers are full and that layering was not a permanent solution.

Now you can blame covid for an increase in players on the servers but we will never know if whitemane wouldnt have faced queues regardless. Everyone demanding they pay 15 bucks and have to wait in queue. I mean its a full server; What did you expect? Roll a toon on another server, make new friends.

I dislike a lot of decisions blizzard has made but layering was and is never supposed to be in this version. Just stop complaining they removed it. They should never have re-introduced it in the first place. There is plenty of servers that need people. You either sit in the queue to play on your mega-shark server or you roll on something less populated, so those servers are not empty. But do not cry out you can not play on your precious whitemane server. Just eat the queue or roll on another server and stop whining please. Its unattractive.


Sorry, and your stake in this and being discouraging and rude is what?


They would be wrong. The reason for queues is because 1/2 players is a bot


You are fighting a battle that is arguably the players fault as well as blizzards. They mismanage servers, botting issues etc, but layering is not a solution. It has no place in classic (vanilla) and queues on full servers have been forwarned and expected.

Have you checked the front page? Everyone crying they need to re-enable layering. Hell no! Its an awful mechanic and you should eat the queue because you want to play on a full server. Its your choice not to move your toon or make an alt on another.

There is so many things wrong with this game and version of vanilla and the constant outcry for layering or “queue problem”, that is not blizzards sole fault is the wrong hill to fight a battle on.

So my stake is that you crying out like little kids, because the thing they warned you about happened, takes away focus from other problems that need to be adressed.


In vanilla, how did they deal with this issue, oh wise and all seeing oracle?

People did not insist so strongly to play on the biggest server in your region. Also apparently for players these day anything less than 3k ppl online at the same time is considered “dead”.

I get your frustration, its not fun to sit in queue, but it does not bar you from playing the game at all. Just make a new toon on a smaller server meanwhile.

Im just saying that layering is awful and should never be brought back.


In vanilla they didn’t have enough servers to hold the population. In classic people want to sit on their mega-servers even if there is room for them to spread out.

It definitely wasn’t layers.


doesnt seem like a real answer to me. Do you have any actual idea?

Sit in queue is the answer. You know what server you rolled on and you knew it was full. So endure it. Thats the answer.


The answer is they opened enough servers to hold the population and left queues on over-populated servers then let the players sort it out from there.


Don’t exaggerate, I would say 1/3.


For the record, I rolled the first day this server was out, I had ZERO idea it was going to be full. So you’re just wrong.


Now i know thats not what you want to hear but

They announced it. They told you and you still rolled there. Its fine, it was your choice, but you def. can not claim ignorance.


I reserved my character on whitemane days before launch, and have played there the entire time. My guild is now discussing moving but we arent going to pay for it, nor are we interested in moving to a server if it has a massive faction imbalance. But yes we will all just reroll on another server now and waste all that time and effort in our toons for nothing, or sit in 4 hour queues to get in because blizz loves all the money they make from bot accounts. You are so smart and intelligent thank you for your imput oh wise and great one.

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I started on Thoruim Brotherhood. When it got over crowded, and never so over crowded there were hour long queues, blizzard open a new server and offered free transfers to it from TB. I moved all my horde alts to Wyrmrest Accord. The same thing happened on my alliance server. It got over crowded so they offered free transfer to Farstriders.

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Honestly hope your guild persists through all of this - the Ego and Risen drama aside Whitemane is a good server, good enough to where people will sit through 2 - 4 hour queues to play on it.

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