This is borderline fraud

The client says it. Clicking the client leads to a post that tells you it’s a stress test. As well as several forum posts, the official WoW Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and even BNet announcements.

Again, ignorance is not a scam.


My only real question is, if OP didn’t have a sub, why was he/she in battle net launcher on WoW page? Show no interest if you have no interest.

Lol that made me laugh, usually how these things happen though.

I never knew about that. I’ll have to remember that when Classic goes live.

Thanks for the information! :smiley:

My inner voice read that like the end of a car commercial.



The dude found out it was a stress test only after paying the sub. My point here is that the client was the point of sale not the internets. So scam.

One did not have to read the forums or see blue posts to be pushed the sale. They only had to click the button. Sound familiar?

Why did you make another topic about the exact same thing?

They changed the blizzard app launcher getting ready for classic release. It available under live, not development which would be the case for beta. It’s been widely known that to be considered for a beta invite one had to have an active sub.

No Hallow’s End.


I don’t want a key, I played in vanilla. I know how the game goes, I’d rather wait. The beta consists of mostly streamers and the few plebs playing are randomly picked.

There, thats better.

Again, you say “mostly streamers” and yet you haven’t named them. There are likely a thousand people on the beta right now, and I doubt 1% of them are streamers.

He paid the sub after seeing an icon and assuming it meant Beta. He did no additional research or even clicked the link to learn it was a stress test. That’s not a scam.

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No fraud, you just got excited and skipped all the tell signs.

I am in awe. Level 6? In each of the starting areas I checked out, it seemed like there were approximately a zillion people competing for each quest mob. (It was hilarious. And wonderful. Also, strong support for their plans for layers.)

But they talked about why that showed up in the launcher… twice.

I wouldn’t call it fraud when Blizzard clearly advertised that they were doing a stress test… Every one knew about it, it’s not their fault that you didn’t bother reading or keeping up to date with the latest WoW News.

Furthermore, Blizzard has clearly stated that Non-subscribers will NOT receive beta access. So that should have set of Immediate Alarm bells before you pulled out your wallet to resub and knew that it would be impossible to have beta access since you were unsubbed.

And to really drive the last nail in the coffin, the new thing that appeared on the launcher isn’t even labeled as Beta. As you can see here on mine:

The Classic beta is clearly labeled Beta, while the stress test thing from the other day doesn’t have the beta tag.

Yet that is all they do, mislead the player base while devs who probably dont even play the game “fix” it.

Not true at all. the vast majority of us in the beta are not streamers. It’s just that the odds of being chosen are pretty low. There are millions of subscribers and only a few thousand in the beta.

I don’t think the people pooping on the OP are very nice. He was obviously confused by the policy and he feels bad. :frowning: