This is all the devs have to do to fix 80 - 90% of the epic premade problem

Take this:

function validateTeamQueue(playerCount, gameMode) {
const MAX_TEAM_SIZE = 10;
if (playerCount === MAX_TEAM_SIZE && gameMode === ‘rated’) {
console.log("Queue validated: Rated PvP, 10 players.");
} else {

And add this:

// My Fix (Patent Pending):
function validateTeamQueue(playerCount, gameMode) {
const MAX_TEAM_SIZE = 40; //
if (playerCount === MAX_TEAM_SIZE && gameMode === ‘rated’) {

Problem solved… Or if 40 is too much, even 30 if you like… Just add a 30, or a 40, in addition to the 10 and voila; most of the headaches go away.

I propose:


if (playerCount === >MAX_TEAM_SIZE && gameMode === ‘send_to_gulag’

Now que syncing is fixed.


That wouldn’t fix anything as there’d be no way to implement it. At least my idea would fix something. If I’m on the phone with a friend who’s a multi glad with 4 monsters in his group and I have 4 glads in mine, and I say – “hey, you queing epics right now?” - “Yea, just did.” – “Ok, I just qued also.” – you can’t “fix” that… Period.

Are you guys still pretending your just “queueing together”? BAHAHAHA

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What are you insinuating I’m doing now? Does it have anything to do with Jewish space lasers?

I’m not insinuating anything HAHA also Jewish space lasers? Wtf you on about now?

I typed that into youtube, now i regret i did. Feel like im going to be on some watch list. MTG in congress was talking about this a year ago or so.

Wow, the LeBron James of Epic BG strategy has spoken. Next, he’ll be solving world peace while triple queuing. Truly inspirational.


He’s just trying to imply I’m a crazy “conspiracy theorist” LOL

You’re just silly. If you can’t come up with the solution because you’re not smart enough then say so. Don’t just say that’s it’s impossible. Just making the matchmaking cross-faction would virtually make it impossible to do 40-man premades if there are enough people playing.


Just stop and sit down; before you hurt yourself… I introduced an actual solution to help the overall problem to open the thread; rated epics would do this overnight. You falsely claim that I’ve said that fixing the situation is “impossible” which is, to be frank, warped and completely delusional on its face. I not only didn’t say it was “impossible”, I started the thread with an actual solution to help the problem. Then you question my intelligence after providing a solution that would help alleviate some of the problem, and wrongly claim that I’m running around saying its “impossible” in the same breath. Then, you ignorantly offer your ridiculous, solution of cross faction which won’t do anything but make the problem 10 x worse so the premades will end up with a myriad of guaranteed spies in every, single, epic game. It’ll be an absolute laugh-fest once that’s implemented. MERC already makes this a nightmare, once full, cross faction is going it will be absolutely hilarious. You also ignorantly fail to realize that they’re not all “40-man premades”, many times its just 10 - 15 people on a side so your idea falls even flatter on its face. Stop pretending to be a highbrow-intellectual with all the answers, you’re not good at it.

Edit *** - Honor level 90… Okay never mind, I get it… You’re beyond clueless… I’ll ignore you now.

why all the script?

here’s a better way…using addons and que synching? —>ban for life

cheating que sychers need to go before pvp gets healthy


Notice how he ignores anyone that doesn’t agree with him? These people can’t survive outside of their echo chambers. Hopefully blizzard is working on a solution, or else randoms are as good as dead.

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No ish Sherlock… We’ve been saying that for 10 years already. But you somehow feel that your 4 trillionth post on the matter saying the same thing is somehow;… coming up with something new and suddenly shining a light on the situation for all to see. ROFL! :rofl: :laughing: :joy:

As for clueless Celinthia - ^ Notice how he doesn’t really grasp the situation, avoids all the facts and seems totally clueless on this subject and just continues attacking me in threads while having nothing constructive to add? Yea, me too. I’m sure the mods are beginning to notice it at this point too.

Pal I’ll be here a long time saying the same thing. As long as filthy Que synch cheaters are still active in PvP I’ll be here saying the same thing


Constructive? Like your horrible analogies where you try to paint yourself as an NBA legend or ‘Monster,’ all while claiming to be a victim just trying to ‘survive’? lol

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Yawn… You’re not even worth the time…

If you belong to the cheating Que synch communities you aren’t a PvP player. The real PvP players will be here to constantly remind you of that


Where’s your boy panda at I wonder? Same place all the Que synchers will end up :joy:


Aww is the truth upsetting you? It’s weird that you constantly need to blatantly lie in order to push your hate. Also stating the fact that you block people isn’t attacking you, how fragile is your ego too think that’s an attack.

LOL of course, you’re just as much of a hypocrite as the other sync exploiters.