This "High Drop Chance on First Kill of Day, lol@your alts" Thing For Holidays is Total Garbage

Yes, it can be annoying. I have yet to be convinced that the drop rate on Ruhkmar is any less than it ever was.

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See, my strategy on this stuff is to - not play.

I run the Holiday boss once or twice. Sometimes not at all. It’s so much easier to get by in life, for me, if I just ignore anything with a low drop rate. Really helps me keep my sanity. :slight_smile:


Basically. The gist is a bad system was replaced with an even worse one. One that not only discourages you from playing the event but doesn’t offer any actual bad luck protection, which is something people have asked for for years. The love rocket change sucked for that and it sucks for this.

actually the love rocket change was great. i got mine and so did a bunch of my friends!

will it be this way for the headless horseman mount as well?

Wouldn’t doubt it one bit.

because blizz is basically punishing people who make alts to farm mounts and skins. thank god i got headless horsemen mount long time ago.

This summarizes my discontent very nicely.

oh i have many more non forum friendly things to say about this change…

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indifferent about this . i don’t even do these garbage events because i don’t want to lvl random things to get a chance at a mount and create an alt army for it. it’s not fun at all.

the issue is the whole thing needs to be revamped severely were the mount is guaranteed if you were here this holiday or get tokens to obtain it. account wide the token. the way they do events in this game is so bad

As opposed to people feeling punished for not making a legion of alts to farm mounts and skins, which was the reason for the change in the first place.

And yea, obviously currency is a better system but it doesn’t keep the addicts rolling the dice the same way.

there is nothing stopping them from having both as option. you do realize eventually this is going to probably get carried to regular dungeon/raid mounts from older content right? blizz is just testing waters here and then will have it continue over to other same like content just like they did with item scaling, level scaling, and so many other terrible ideas they implemented. enjpy your slightly increased drop rate for that elegon mount your farming or whatever it is for first drop of week and then NOT HAVING IT DROP EVER FOR ANY OF YOUR ALTS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK BECAUSE OMG ITS A 2 PERCENT INCREASED RATE.

bet that never occured to you folks did it?

I mean, its a self defeating cycle with Blizzard and the holiday events.

They don’t want to update any of them, so they are the same thing everywhere. Because they don’t update them, they don’t update the rewards.

Because they don’t update the rewards, if they had any logical system that allowed players to eventually get the reward, then they’d just stop doing the holidays the following years, and that hurts engagement and MAUs.

This current method of “Increased chance, but still very very low for first kill of the week” is preferable to making an army of alts to farm it, but it’s still an hilariously stupid system that simply cannot change because Blizzard doesn’t care enough about holiday events.


The new system is more fair to those of us who don’t have an army of alts and to new players. Besides, it’s just a mount that I guarantee you’ll never use.

Yeah it is garbage.

People have built a system for themselves for 18 years then Blizzard just comes along and kills it. Who cares if people with more alts have an advantage? This game is centered around people who spend more time playing have an advantage over others, whether it’s pvp, raiding, mythic+ or mount farming.

If they really wanted to help the solo holiday participant then every holiday mount should be sold at the vendor for the amount of currency someone could get for doing the activities every day.


No it absolutely occurred to us, which is why we don’t obsess over collecting in a game where the developers seem to be tasked with making everything as much of a gamble as they possibly can.

I understand what you’re asking, I just don’t think you understand who you’re asking it from.

Did it ever occur to you this is working exactly how they want it to?


Of course the unstated completion of your first sentence there is that “people who want to do what it takes to improve their chances and enjoy playing alts should feel like playing the game that way is worthless, and their gameplay has been removed so people who don’t like to play much and don’t like to play alts will be happy nobodies who don’t deserve to get rewards don’t have a better chance than they do.”

Remember when they increased the drop rate on Pandaria world boss mounts? A lot of people got the mount, but a lot of people have put in a lot of attempts since then and still don’t have it, almost as though they temporarily increased the drop rate. And they recently removed Elder Charms of Good Fortune from the vendor as a big screw you to people who were using them for bonus rolls on those mounts.

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how so? the chance on subsequent kills isn’t any lower than ever before. it’s just that the first kill now has a higher chance than it used to.

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Or so they say.

Making changes that make it feel bad to play are bad for the game.

people in this very thread have said they got it on kills after their first kill of the day. seems pretty simple?