I agree, it’s time to let more people into the test.
No. It is far too early to see how the expansion is going to shape up until well into the beta.
Doom Monkeys everywhere.
Looking for a casual track in Shadowlands…not finding one…
Well yeah, of course they only want feedback from people who can test the content. Their opinions are going to be informed. Rando forum person with no alpha access is not going to be informed.
Realistically. It would be the same as NASA only wanting feedback on rocket science by people who have knowledge of rocket science. Jimmy Noknowledge who only worked in McDonalds before he casually browsed the back of a rocket science book in a library isn’t going to have an opinion that matters to them.
They have a point though. There is no hard timer on torghast, and the soft enrage mechanic needs to be experienced to know how strict (or flexible, more than likely it is quite flexable) it really is.
But your principle had no experience just let us who are actually testing it give our input
You may not like it. But they are correct.
Actually, what’s happening is they’re looking for adjustments they can make to improve the player experience, or make it more as they think it should be. The content and mechanics themselves will not be changed at this point. The design philosophy is set in stone.
This screams to me that Blizzard was not getting the feedback they wanted to hear. So now all will be ignored except what they want to hear.
I say the same thing for visions on here and people go nuts about it
They are kinda correct though
Until beta when everyone gets to try then they can say what they wish
i swear, some of you ought to be paid for the things you just make up to get outraged about
Being lied to is something to get mad about.
“Torghast will not be timed content”
Well they are adding a timer now, they even call it timed content, the exact opposite of what they said.
you aint seen nothin yet
Opinions are more valuable when they are informed.
Someone who actually playtests Torghast is in a better position to offer feedback on the impact of X, which is what is being tested.
Why is this controversial?
That’s what worries me. But I now know Blizzard for the flat out liars they are. So it will at least not surprise me. I will not believe anything they say.
Meh they are doubling down now but they will bend the knee in the first patch.
Blizz has too much pride to admit they are wrong early.
I can know that I won’t like timers before trying it.
Patch 8.3 visions = Torghast
Most players have already tested this type of timed content on live retail. Blizz admit you are wrong for a change!
Isn’t there a saying about how you don’t have to be a chef to know when food is burned?