This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

But you have to be careful, it is not a satire, there are some ridiculous comments that were made during this release.

as Ion in an interview telling us that the AoE of the tanks is degenerate knowing that it was always the keystone of the tanks since the vanilla and cannot give an answer as there will be this great change in this expansion.

I am not saying that I am against it, I am saying that you have to be susceptible to changes that we are used to throughout the content of this game.

I think Ion openly admitting that he destroyed a spec because he didn’t want anyone to play it is the worst thing, it’s probably the most honest we’ve ever seen him be though lol

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You are going back and forth this entire argument. WoW isn’t those games, and Torghast isn’t a regular WoW dungeon.

Who says it doesn’t need to rush you? That’s how they’ve chosen to make it more difficult with added pressure. You’re not supposed to be able to relax and decide for yourself when you need to go AFK. And while you’re “comparing” things as it suits your argument – you can’t do that in visions either.

But I am done with this argument. Feel entitled to whatever you want – doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

WoW is exactly those games, just electronic versions of them.

It started as a MMO with dungeons and raids (aka harder dungeons).

Torghast is not a regular dungeon, its a rogue-like dungeon. Its still a dungeon.

How they have CHOSEN to make it is not the same thing as its NECESSARY to make it that way.


The initial design intent stated at BlizzCon, as well as the most recent blue post on the issue, both state that it is intended to allow for open ended exploration without feeling like you are time limited.

They specifically said they don’t want Torments to make you feel like you can’t take a break when you need to.

He knows. He, knows.

Yes ~

That makes sense.

Yes, I know there’s a pattern of behaviour so the complaints aren’t invalid but they’ll have to come after players run through Torghast.

The thing is, the only way any of us are going to have a voice is by using our wallets.

That speaks volumes.

Yep, applying the “profit” debuff to Blizzard tends to work wonders in getting their attention.

Its like you can almost hear them slamming their face against the keyboard for the dispel.

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I remember when they listened to the alpha and beta testers for BFA and only their experienced opinion mattered to. It gave us this gem and thousands more.


You see what I mean, if it was not the confusion of methamorphosis in Demon hunter and Demology Warlocks, imagine your response in the tanks’ aoe.

Would make sense for the devs to actually listen to the players that are testing the alpha, than listen to players who are riding on the timer-hating bandwagon.

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sayings aren’t observational truths.

if you want to take that route, let’s take a look at “too many cooks spoil the broth”.

If you’ve got something in particular you want tested, @ me and I’ll post my experience.

They’ll never top when they said we couldn’t find pvp vendors

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Right, but they always mention that anything can change as it’s being worked on. They often put that in bold letters before posting any kind of information or updates. Probably because everyone takes it as the gospel truth and holds it against them at a later date – when they do decide to change their minds. “But you said…!”

Can’t say I blame them for not posting – and people complain about that too. Go figure.

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Nice snip. You’re ignoring the blue post from earlier this week about the stated goals of torments then?

They put them in the same location as my hope and dreams, scarlet monastery graveyard.

Nothing particular off the top of my head, but it’s just a bit of a poor statement to say essentially “unless you are in the alpha we don’t want your feedback” when they have restricted access given out.

Dear blizzard,

My rage at imaginary stuff trumps actual experience with the stuff.

If you do not immediately change the game to deal with my imaginary issues, I will cry. I will cry a LOT!