This has got to stop in low level BGs

i’ll carry your alts regardless of level or gear, some twinks just aint about that life

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what is your friend’s name?

Just don’t join BGs and you don’t have that problem.

No twink wanted to play against other twinks back in the day. As soon as blizzard paired xp-off vs xp-off, all the twinks faded into the mist. It was no fun for them any longer without anyone to crush in a single blow. Back in vanilla I had a 29 and 39 twink but not for bgs. We would run around in groups of 29s or 39s hunting lvl 60s in world pvp - now that was a ton of fun.


You’re correct. It has put off countless people, who could have been WoW subscribers, but aren’t due to asinine blizzard policies.

At one point in time, somebody had common sense and had battle grounds start granting XP. This was because they knew players who were geared really well could enjoy their power, but wouldn’t be allowed to hold on to that power for too long before leveling out of their bracket. This made sense.

People who twink complained…LOUDLY.

Then Blizzard made a compromise, which also made sense. Yes twinkers…If you insist you love twinking and it’s only because you enjoy gearing up your character AND NOT because you enjoy griefing under geared characters…We’ll let you turn off xp gain, but that will place you in a separate queue from players who gain xp. This also made sense. But the twink community either wasn’t being honest with blizzard, themselves, or both. Twinks stopped queuing up. The wait time for the twink queue became very long, because they didn’t want to play against each other.

People who twink complained…LOUDLY

Unfortunately, when things are going well, people don’t complain, so the people who enjoyed the queues separate from the twinks did not do a great job of advocating for themselves.

Blizzard combined the queues again. History was rewritten to say that the queues were taking too long and EVERYBODY wanted them combined. It did not mention that the xp on queues were fine and levelers temporarily enjoying pvp were happy when the two were separated.

So they’ve been together ever since and what do you know? PVP has never grown since then.

This actually aligns with other policies blizzard has in the only other blizzard game I’ve ever played, HOTS(heroes of the storm). There they once separated premade teams from solo players. Solo players loved it, but the queues for the premade teams became very long. So they combined them again. The population started dying off. It dies off because newer AND solo players get matched again premade teams on voice comms. The matches aren’t fair at all. People get frustrated and decided to play a game that has better matchmaking. Some people like to again rewrite history and blame it on the lack of support for esports, but if we’re being honest, most people who actually play the games don’t care if the game has esports AT ALL. Esport coverage can lead people to a game, but once they try it, they won’t keep playing if every match is an unfair stomp.

Now the core issue with both these revolves around 1 fact. That the people who enjoy having a great advantage over other players state that IT IS FAIR. That it is fair because ANYONE can do what they’re doing and that it isn’t against the rules. Well that is true, but MOST people won’t do what they’re doing. MOST people would rather not play a game that supports unfair matches. MOST people don’t want to commit the amount of time it takes to be a degenerate like this. They again would rather just play a game that does its best to support fair matches.

And so these policy decisions by blizzard are toxic and allow these types of players to grief and cannibalize the player base for their own enjoyment. It’s pretty wild how much lost revenue likely results from catering to these types.


Twinks weren’t really a thing when WotLK was current cause they couldn’t twink without being xp-locked and xp-locked people had their own bracket where they only ran into other xp-locked people.

Classic changed this and voila, everything went as predicted.

You joined WSG at 15 and we’re expecting to not get clapped? lol.


It’s wild how dedicated you are to your trolling.

It might sound funny to you, but there was a time when you could join a battleground at almost any level(above a level to ends in 0-4) and you’d do alright. Because you didn’t have to worry about twinks, just people with decent dungeon gear. And those folks would level out of the BG shortly anyway, so it wasn’t too annoying.

“friend” kek

Fake friend aside, blizz explicitly said they are not separating twinks from bgs. Get over it. Gear based game is gear based.


Still not as bad as when DKs first came out and could use, I believe, Wrath enchants on their ‘class gear’. Level 59 DKs with near 18k HP and literally tanked the entire opposing team.

RDF will level the playing field because anyone will be able to turn XP off and get groups for dungeons. There will no need be a need to have some high level carry you or multibox cheat to farm gear. The problem is RDF didn’t come until P4 of wrath. It should have come day 1 with burning crusade.

Remember how twinks “got over it” when blizz did separate the twinks from the BGs…Oh they didn’t, did they. They complained until they got what they wanted. Now here is everyone else doing that.

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I have never trolled and always provide accurate statements and facts.

It’s like that scene from The Prestige where the real magic is the guy being so committed to pretending he’s frail. Like a sad version of that.

Seethe and cope

if you are basing the entire pvp scene off of a single WSG at lvl 15 and quitting over that then you were never “into pvp” in the first place


I mean I wasn’t gonna go through this much effort to say it all but that’s pretty spot on. We’ve already leveled out the 19 bracket and tried 20-29, still the same problem but not as bad.

I never really thought of people quitting over twinking but when he said “if this is WoW pvp then im out man” to which I had to explain what twinking is and how it works. It kind of crossed my mind that like an average casual player like him having their first WoW pvp experience in WSG as many thousands do… gets camped at the spawn by twinks 1 shotting everyone. Why wouldn’t you want to quit if thats the first foot you step into pvp? Without someone to explain to you that it’s just a form of low level griefing (blizzards words from the first time they moved twinks into their own bracket) what exactly is stopping you from going “wow pvp in this game sucks im out”

And yes I know twinks have a discord and everytime someone makes an anti twink thread you all come out en mass to try and seem like theres more of you than there really is. The game would do just fine without the small handful of ya’ll discouraging what could be a significant number of players from playing the game,


let us all know when you reach the 39 bracket

You will run into twinks in every bracket. PvP was not meant for the faint of heart.
Even with teams full of twinks on both sides, someone will lose the battle eventually.

And even if they split the queues exp. off and exp. on, that will not solve the problem, because even in retail twinks would just make throw away characters and do it all over again, and again, and again.

The best way to “fight a twink” is to become one yourself, bracket by bracket if you have no desire to stay in the same bracket.

Get gear, and get even, that is what makes it fun.
I don’t consider myself a twink in any capacity, but I went and got enough gear to at least hold my own in the 70’s bracket where I prefer to PvP (when not doing my 80’s).

Your friend will run into the same issue at max level anyway. I don’t care how long you have been level 80, you can not walk into a BG without gear, and not expect to get smushed.
You get smushed, you get gear, you smush back… it is literally the way PvP in any bracket will work always work. It’s not a twink problem, it’s a gear/skill/experience problem.

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