This has been a Garbage Year (BFA launch - Now)

I think a lot of people are missing this much larger point.

Once I company goes public, it is responsible for one thing - delivering value to shareholders. This is done at the directive of the CEO, who is influenced by the board of directors. If they fail to deliver maximum profits on a short term horizon (3-5 years) they are eliminated.

Game developers have realized that the mobile units are more capable of tapping into our lizard-brain using positive feedback loops - they exist closer to our person (not just in a room of our house). This makes them more profitable.

They’ve also realized there are ‘whales’ out there willing to part ways with large sums of money for almost nothing at all - so they need mechanisms to capture that market (loot crates, high end cosmetic items, mounts, etc).

If they don’t build this stuff in, somebody else does.

Then the shareholders and the board are disappoint.

And that feedback loop perpetuates…

TBC started the downward spiral with flying.


Horde paladins.
Alliance shamans.
Flying mounts killed world pvp.
Resilience slowed down pvp.
20 man raid cut guilds in half.
Horde/Alliance city destroyed faction rivalry.

Bless your heart child, but TBC was the beginning of the end of what made classic great.


actually a delusional blizzard drone.

Ahh yes, I’m delusional because I told someone their incorrect quote was incorrect. It would be much better if I just stayed in line and lied and spread misinformation like a lot of people here and on the Classic reddit.

Like a good NPC, right? “Blizzard bad!”

Yes, and well said.

Your point probably deserves its own thread.

lol no, instanced pvp, honor rewards and faction/server transfers did waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more damage.

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Kind of both honestly. I’ve played one one of the best WPvP servers in the game, and people can “nope” out of PVP any time they want by flying up to FL30 and just skipping it all.

and people can plug pull too or just not fight back too, if wpvp is such a desired activity no mode of travel is going to stop people if they want to do it.

The damage was already done by the time flight became widespread.

also FL30? flight level?

Yes Flight Level, good catch

I do agree though, the incentive to WPvP was basically gone by the time flying came to the game. Flying however just took it to a new level of no WPvP.

yah it gave everyone the ablity to avoid it if they wanted to.

Lol, yah it seemed right to guess that, what is that from? or is it just a generic term?

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I honestly don’t remember, in the Navy we said ‘Angels’. Probably a game or something lol.

Guess so, I had a lot of world pvp in bc and wrath with flying and minimal cataclysm non existant other expansions.

Cross realm and all those paid services destroyed my realm and any hope to find another realm for balance factions and world pvp.
I can no longer bait people into rushing to defend a city because world defense was removed.

Flying didn’t kill wpvp people who didn’t want to that played pvp realms did.
You had plenty of people dismounting players from flyers in wrath with knock backs.

Like I said, it killed Wpvp. No one wants to get ganked, but the threat of being ganked is what makes a pvp server. With that gone Wpvp dies.

I agree there were other factors leading up to Wpvp’s death, you already listed some of them, but flying mounts was the nail in the coffin.

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Bless you child for you know not of what you speak… mostly because you seem to think PVP was what made vanilla (not classic… classic is what is coming… child) great.

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Well no that did not ‘kill’ it, if thats your criteria what I listed is what ‘killed’ it, the people that truly wanted to do it still did it

Guys just leave him be. He’s just looking for attention.

I just got FFX 1+2 for the switch. Playing for the first time. Hope that holds me out until Classic Summer.

It’s not just this year, gaming in general has been powerfully underwhelming for a while, regarding new releases.

The last non WoW game I was both excited for and actually played like crazy was TF2. The games that have managed to hold my attention since then simply haven’t had anywhere near the overall draw, and end up burning out on within a few weeks. From my end, it’s more like a decade+ of poor games…

I’m half tempted to buy a console for Breath of the Wild, since that seems to be a consensus great game… and even if it’s not, I can play the modern Smash Brothers and/or that DBZ fighting game.

But Blizzard is BAD! And Classic is GOOD, so GOOOOOOOD…yummy yummy classic.

If Classic is Vanilla Icecream (of course it’s Vanilla), then BFA is asparagus.

I don’t like Asparagus.

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