This has been a Garbage Year (BFA launch - Now)

LOL! Yep, it’s everyone else, you are the only one who gets it. :joy: :rofl:

Like I said, you are having a conversation with yourself because you are the only one here not grasping the entire point. This would be a good time for you to exit the thread.

Did you mean “understanding”? :grinning:

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It’s actually been a long time since I’ve been excited for any game to release quite honestly. The fact of the matter is that I’m just not he target demograph anymore. Someone who enjoys actually thinking and making decisions and wants depth and atmosphere over a ‘push button, receive bacon’.

It’s because those types of people outnumber all other kinds like 20 to 1 I’d hazard a guess. Maybe more. And while we’re not really that susceptible to things like micro-transactions, they are. So games get made with them in mind and we get something hyped up to be something it’s not and ultimately things end up disappointing.

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All of this, ALL of it, is just anger at Capitalism.

Looking down your nose from your seat on high horse and sniffing dismissively when a company does capitalist things in a capitalist economy. And then thinking you can shame the rich and powerful by posting about the “quality” of games?


It’s structural. EVERYTHING gets monetized eventually.

It’s time to be honest about why you’re actually angry.

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Try 2 weeks. :unamused:

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Classic and Halo PC will be the end of gaming for me. I miss when developers were making games as a passion. Who wanted to make a quality product instead of seeing the gamer as a money cattle to be milked.


Rip dead space, the best horror game franchise since like Resident evil, Silent hill it’s funny i remember seeing a video about how people actually wrote letters saying 1 was too scary for them to finish so 2 was much less so haha.

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Gaming is in a good place as long as you care more about visuals and shiny things, rather than compelling gameplay.

How much could you have enjoyed them if you felt the desire to play several in a year? Sounds more like a dog chasing squirrels than an indicator of quality games.

ArmA 3 is about as good as it gets with a ludicrous level of replay value.


You literally have to SEEK out reasons to be angry at the game landscape. You have to seek out or invent reasons to be angry. It’s funny… I’d think I was a camp counselor at an all pre-teen girl facility the way some of you discuss blizzard games and mmo’s in particular. Just get over yourselves.

If you don’t like a game or feel the game isn’t taking your particular needs/wants into consideration, take a hint… THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU.

Go find another horse to beat and just leave. Doing so will do one of a few things… either you will find the game that speaks to you and addresses your needs/wants in a game; or you will discover that you were wrong and find reasons to enjoy gaming again; or you will discover you have outgrown gaming altogether and find some other pasttime.

Not everything needs to be fixed to suit you. Sometimes, you have to walk away and realize you’re no longer the target audience for a particular hobby.


BFA is trash you don’t have to be very smart to figure that out.

I mean i get your IQ lvl is probably sub 75 but claiming someone has to “INVENT” reasons to be angry, what?

The game use to be awesome, now its bad. IT WAS the game for us, now its trash. I know very hard concept to understand for you. If we stay quiet the game keeps going in a dumpster fire direction.

You’re the minority here guy. Classic is going to blow retail out of the water.


i am right on topic with the OP, and im posting to say its wrong unless you only care about mmorpgs

im starting to think you are guilty of what you are accusing me of. try reading the OP again and you will see that im on topic

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im not going to play any pvp shooter for years and years. i take long breaks from wow too, you are trying to make a point that isnt there

i played for a few months and moved on which is what i wanted out of them in the first place

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i can agree that bfa is bad, but gaming in general is fine

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Amen brother!!

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This is what the “you just have rose tinted glasses” guys have never understood.

That Vanilla was the highest played game to date and the current levels of interest in Classic far outweigh the retail playerbase…

Watching the classic forums there are dozens of posts for every 1 on general forums for retail.

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Right. Keep telling yourself that. Nothing you say is remotely true. Vanilla was NOT the highest played game to date… that honor goes to the game just before Cataclysm was released with 12 million active subs. You guys can’t even get your facts straight, no way you can possibly understand what makes a good game.

Wow classic is going to do well… but it will start losing people within a year. That game was good, but the game didn’t become great until BC. And all the conveniences that make this game worth playing won’t be part of classic and that will surely make all you rose tinted people suddenly lose interest when you realize there won’t be patches coming to fix all the issues that existed when Vanilla was current.

Vanilla wow transcended gaming as a whole. Do some research, watch interviews. Vanilla wow changed the gaming world guy.

Start losing people within a year??? You mean like BFA having less than 5 million subs currently, kinda like that? You mean like nobody pvping anymore because the gearing system is a complete joke?


Lol so wrong.

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PVP has always been an afterthought in wow. Classic won’t fix that. Vanilla wow was different than all other mmo’s at the time absolutely true… but the game didn’t find its popularity UNTIL bc… vanilla was new, it was different, and it did lots of things really well… where it failed and why it didn’t gain the kind of subscription totals enjoyed by BC and beyond, was because only a very tiny segment of the vanilla population ever got to see end game. So essentially, the game was designed to appeal and reward such a small minority that a majority of the players were paying for something they’d never get to experience.

You can call me all the names you want, and attack my IQ (really mature), but you are so passionate about the past that you don’t see things with any real clarity. I’ll be happy if the game succeeds if for no other reason than to stop all you vanilla fans stop pollute the forums with your anger.

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The things you’re saying are wrong. There are plenty of facts (Sales, sub numbers) to prove otherwise. I don’t know why you run around spatting your opinion as fact when the actual facts prove otherwise.