This has been a Garbage Year (BFA launch - Now)

sounds like you dont even play them if you think that. fortnite its a really good example too, it is absolutely nothing like doom

did you know wow is just a derivative of everquest?

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i liked legion. wod and bfa were really bad though

i have to give props where it is due, and that was pretty good,lol.

I think a lot of people might want to have a healthy dose of cynicism, even when it concerns their favorite game companies.

“No King Rules Forever,” et al.

I remember the lead-up to Mass Effect Andromeda and Knights of the Old Republic.

“Bioware would never mess this up!”

I remember the lead-up to Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

“Bethesda would never mess this up!”

Rockstar isn’t immune to this, with how Take Two infected them and how Red Dead Online has panned out.

I mean, we’ve all heard that Blizzard wanted to start releasing an expansion every year way back during Wrath… doesn’t that sound awfully familiar? A yearly blockbuster expansion of an existing franchise that retreads previous content and adds some new, if somewhat shallow, features?

Episodic or routine paid content. The live service model has infected nearly everything. The MMO market is the first step - the subscription model, mobile gaming microtransactions, more and more expansions, ludicrous pre-order bonuses/special editions. Everything that’s followed is a business model trying to squeeze every last dime out of it’s players.

That’s how I predicted that Blizzard would combine subs. It looks better for investors when “World of Warcraft” with no delineation between Classic or Retail has a bigger MAU count.

Acti-Blizz’s acquisiton of King Mobile let us know that they were high on the mobile market.

“We should always be positive! Never negative!” It’s the youtube thing.

People should have been disappointed by Diablo Immortal and the removal of downvotes, but they shouldn’t have been surprised.

bfa is legion same invasions,wq’s,ap grind,pvp and M+.

bfa is legion with a different xmog on it.

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Yes it is. And everquest was just a derivative of Ultima Online. I think the point is just way over your head.

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Not surprised as much as disgusted.

Couldn’t have said it better, even retail is better than DOOMXXXIVCM, which is all FPS games are to me. I’m only playing retail because of my guild, otherwise I’d have probably shut it off. I’m really hoping what one of my guildies said doesn’t come to pass, that classic won’t have a critical number of people to see content. I’m kind of disappointed not one person bit on to classic but I really do think I’ll enjoy it more. Even if I can only work up to pre-raiding and BG queues are brisk I’d be pretty happy. I like the feeling of being necessary, like selling ports. Now I cast a mage table and nobody even touches it, they’re already running for the goalposts. Quick to point out if you’re bad, not so much as a gj usually when you’re good. I do have a guild community now but I’m not sure if that will take me away from classic, I guess I’ll probably play a bit of both or just make new friends on classic where I can actually contribute in meaningful ways.


Been playing ESO, while waiting for Classic. Not all triple A games are trash in 2019.

I’ve logged about 100 more hours in Skyrim to help pass the time. I’ve gone through that game so many times and I can still go back to it and have fun. I tried ESO and it just didn’t capture that feel for me.


you can say every game is a remake of something these days, and thats not a bad thing

the point is lost on you.

shooters are fine, but mmos are in trouble

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WOW… i am used to seeing overly dramatic statements in the forums, but this has to be the most teenage-angst ridden post I’ve ever seen in the forums. That’s saying a lot.


Not to mention it completely overlooks this much darker period in video game history:

https:// en /wiki/Video_game_crash_of_1983

Spaces because I can no longer add links.

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this was actually a very good year for gaming if you like shooters, and its going to continue with BL3

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I mean, that’s cool and all, but don’t you think that’s more relevant to live than Classic?

Diablo III was the biggest pile of trash in gaming history that was to follow up one of the greatest games in the history of gaming (diablo II).

MORE people play Diablo 2 on reset than diablo 3.

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Though both are true, entirely not the point. You are not even having the same conversation as everyone else dude

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Shooters have been garbage since Socom II went out of date.

im telling you how it is, you just dont like being wrong

and yes i meant understanding, auto correct got me there

This is a really good video showcasing how a passionate developer makes great games before studios like EA/Activision swoop in and ruin everything.