This has been a Garbage Year (BFA launch - Now)

Ok, I’ll quote Galdor:


I knew it was a thing, I watched that panel multiple times because I’ve been playing Diablo III since it launched and I was probably more disappointed at their mobile news than anyone here. That’s why I knew what he put in quotes was fake news.

Gaming has been in the downswing for many years, as corporate greed has risen. This isn’t anything new. If not timed exclusives on consoles, then it’s pre-purchase exclusives, paid mods, the myriad of DLC, the excess of free to play skins, and lootboxes. Now, we’re back to exclusivity, but based on a storefront.

Same Stuff, Different Day.

After the failures of things like Anthem and Fallout 76, and the rise of games like Apex Legends and it’s microtransactions, at least I’m looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077 - whenever that comes out.


in a few years we will all be playing Ready Player One anyway

The answer is in the title.


I have to admit BfA killed all interest I had in WoW or video games in general. Every game is a shallow carbon copy of the other and they are all just modern derivatives of DOOM.

Classic is my last hope. If it fails then my video game hobby is sated and I move on to other things.


This right here. It seems the truly original ideas are all but used up or no one wants to take a chance on something truly new and unknown.
Man Doom was so far ahead of its time. Mortal Combat with its blood and gore. Both of which gained the politicians attention. Same with rap music. We got the video game rating system that no one pays attention to out of all that fear mongering and political grand standing… The 90’s was an interesting decade. Lol.


Hmm, I’ve had great fun with Subnautica last few weeks. Great game, and nothing like Doom at all (I love Doom btw. From the 1st to the last!)

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I do have to admit, waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 reminds me of the expansions for WoW. Especially back in post-Vanilla.

“When will it be out?”


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Also waiting for that game. I have great faith in CDPR!

I have to admit, the worst thing Blizzard did concerning this, was having downvotes removed from the youtube video. I lost a ton of respect for the company between the “don’t you have phones”, the removal of the downvotes, and the decision to combine the wow subs.


borderlands 3 is coming, all is well

im more hyped for that than classic or anything else tbh

i dont agree, fortnite was the most popular game last year and though its a shooter its nothing like doom

I said derivative of doom, which every shooter is. All shooters are built upon it’s foundation and are nothing actually new, they just have newer graphics, some added stat menus etc.but the premis is all the same

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I cringed at the “we have more games in development than we ever have in the past” part. Who gives a rat’s rump how many games you have in development, especially when you are using “external partners”.

Quality > Quantity

More than we who played since the original Diablo was released?


its been bad since wod.bfa is legion with out artifact weapons and a neck instead it has the exact same game systems and anyone saying bfa isnt legion is fooling themselves.

wof how ever had good class design.

Tipper Gore and the lyrics warning labels just made us want to buy rap albums that much more back then. :grin:

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I’ve been playing Diablo since I rented the first one for my Playstation before I even owned a PC, I’m using Diablo III as a statement because I thought it was going to be the game to play for a decade after it released, I think a lot of people did.

I bought D3, played a bit, and went back to playing D2 LoD.
I cut my teeth on Zork (Well, PC wise. Atari 2600 Adventure is where my teeth were truly cut) and am not impressed with simply making pretty graphics.

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Hey Galdor thanks for that heart warming thing you wrote