This girl has the real FROSTMOURNE sword


I know right!?!? I feel your pain. /hug

Semper Fi! :us:

I mean, it did but not now. People largely do it now for personal reasons not pertaining to childhood trauma. It’s kind of become like a fashion statement.

That said I’m not one for body modifications and have no piercings or tattoos, but it’s quite dishonest to say it’s an indicator of childhood trauma when it hasn’t been for a significant while.

That’s about as dumb of a take as some school counselor telling the parents their kid clearly has an abusive life at home because they use the color blue more frequently than others in art class. Which does happen actually, same with people who dress in black.

shes a sistah

I think she is the perfect woman. <3
Ahmagerd, a unicorn.

Might be a replica, seem to recall either Blizzard or someone else selling such an item.

Also good on her for having such equipment in the video. It’s good to exercise one’s freedom and be well-trained in use and safety of such tools. Plus they can be great protection against would-be sexual assaulters and muggers.

“Kalashnikov hungers!”

Bitterness and jealousy does not become you.

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More power to her. <3

That is one hybrid I wouldn’t make fun of!

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girl get off the jealous juice

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probably just a nicer quality replica.

theres TONS of replica’s out there. why i think it’s a replica? because she looks more of a gun enthusiast then a sword enthusiast whom i can see splurging on a frostmourne unless your a crazy WoW fan which there is that 1 guy who bought one via auction for 20k. idk what kind of auction it was maybe a charity one?

either way real or not it’s still cool just to collect things that interest you in general.

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Blizz used to sell a replica, limited number.

While in Gatlinberg TN last weekend I went into a shop that had a Frostmourne for sale. Took a look at it but it wasn’t one of the official replicas. Still nice and well made though.

They once had an official replica on Pawn Stars. Not sure if it sold or not. Looked sweet.

Probably. Back when they announced Wrath Blizz sold a bunch of Frostmourne replicas for $300 each. I have one, it’s hanging on my wall. Damn thing weighs 70 lbs.


Very cool.

I bought this too. It was made by Epic Weapons. They also licensed a replica of the Doomhammer (yep, I blew the dough on it too). I think it weighs more than the sword.

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As long as you washed your hands afterwards.

Haven’t bought anymore WoW weapons, but I do have a Master Sword, a sword from the infantry of the last Hobbit movie, a personalized sword, a dark hylian shield, and a pirate looking sword. Need more though.

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