This game's community is really selfish

It’s a group’s right to know if someone will hold them back. It’s exactly the same if someone is bad and will stop them from completing content, as it is if that someone is good but will still stop them from obtaining loot.

If someone is bad you can look up their parses. And if they hide them, well, they’re bad.

It should be the same with need roll stats. Allow people to hide them then. But, well.

Yes. Lots of them. That have been listed time and time and time again. We’re getting tired of reitertating it over and over.

There are plenty of groups that do raid runs now, go ahead and join one of those and see if they have the loot rules you want.

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It was never a problem for people that didn’t loot bosses. A lot of people did this.

None of these are exclusive to personal loot.

A lot of whining about personal loot was people incorrectly thinking they had lower chances of winning items.


… I mean, it is his loot. He got it and can do whatever he wants with it. :man_shrugging:

Not if the piece didn’t automatically come with the appearance. It’s counter-intuitive but it would help solve this problem.

Trade restriction is 100% exclusive to personal loot dude…

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Good job ignoring what I said concerning this part.

Wrong. Learn to read entire posts instead of ignoring what’s said to further a false narrative.

I’m not engaging further.

A personal loot system doesn’t require such restrictions is what I meant.

Human male paladin :white_check_mark:
Inflated self-importance :white_check_mark:
Little/low effort into his own gear :white_check_mark:

Don’t pug heroics, or don’t expect to get handed everything from them at least.

That is an awful idea. Having an item that you cannot get the appearance from would be exceedingly stupid and counter-intuitive indeed.

Bro edits his post while I am typing my response and cries that I ignored what he said. Maybe finish your responses before hitting reply?

That’s funny that you think this is a widespread issue in heroic raid, enough to warrant a change. Nah man, this is a LFR rant thread, full stop, can’t make me believe otherwise. A guy rolling need on a piece they don’t need in heroic raid will get kicked.

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Literally nothing was edited. Now you’ve resorted to outright lying. We’re absolutely done for good now.

Imo posts and mentalities like this are the scourge of wow and games in general. Instead of thinking of ways to improve the system, you blame the players. Oof.

Imagine trying to gaslight us into thinking you aren’t the selfish one here lol.

You don’t get to determine who is more worthy. You can inspect someone then whisper them asking nicely, but beyond that. If they won, it’s theirs.

And PS. The tmog button is awful. Easily one of the most worthless additions to lfr. Like we needed another “greed” button. Instead, rolling greed should give you a cosmetic version of the item to learn for tmog.

I wouldn’t say THAT part is selfish. It’s the raging at people and the superiority complex that comes after inspecting that makes you selfish.

Because I do inspect people, then nicely whisper them asking if they need it. Heck some even roll need for mog and I want it for mog as well and they happily give it to me. All depends on the person and tone in how you ask.


ITT: Greedy person mad other people won’t let him have their loot. Calls them greedy.


no there isn’t. you people just think there is one.

Don’t put me into some condescending category because factual information bothers you.

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