This game's community is really selfish

OP you get better loot from chasing an out of shape tree around the emerald dream.


The thing is that I need, he doesn’t, thats the whole point and still you could not see it

Mogs, ARE NOT A NEED. They’re literally a luxury by game standards.

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You do not decide who needs an item. Blizzard decides who may need an item.


D: my server

When in doubt ARN (always roll need) always


Yea, you’re eligible to roll. Greed, or mog. Which is what the purpose of those rolls are. Jfc.

I think some people would say mog’s are the true endgame.

Again, though this is a design issue, that blizzard will hopefully look into. As it stands until they fix the system, I don’t blame people for hitting need, when that is their only chance to accomplish their goals.

Edit-I would not mind blizzard just greying out need if you’re over the ilv as a solution to this annoyance.

That is an opinion you can have. That is not how the system works, and that is intended functionality.

Or need, or offspec need, or pass. Or maybe disenchant if that is still in the game. Depending on what you are eligible to roll on.


You do not get to decide what I need.

If you want community loot dispersal, then go into the content with a community where everyone has already agreed to the rules.

Like a guild. Or in game community.


No but it is absolutely his prerogative to have an aneurism on the forums over it. :rofl:



Maybe he just needs to have one.

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OP claims this happens in Heroic Pugs

The OP has a combined total of 18 heroic boss kills across all 3 raids.

Of those 18 kills, they inspected amd whsipered asking for loot 13 times.

Then claim everyone else is selfish for not loot funneling for them.


Yeah that about tracks with what I expect from these posts.

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But he’s not? What is your reasoning for why the transmog roll button exists?

It’s funny how easily people justify clear selfish behaviour :rofl::rofl:

Just to make sure I am on the same page.

In this example, both people want the item. The transmogger, and the low ilvl guy.

That makes them equally selfish, no?


The absolute irony.

Demanding someone give you their loot because, although you did not win it, you think that you should get it anyway, is selfish.

Yeah that pretty much tracks. Though I think once the rolls happen it is a lower move to demand it from someone.


it is interesting to me that the item appears to have translational value as a relationship to how it’s used, but not an inherent, absolute value - otherwise any use of the item would be acceptable, I would think. The former suggests a subjective valuation, which I guess that’s true.

I can definitely see the argument for an item’s value is in the ‘work’ it does, or can perform, when used as an equipped item. But, I can also see the argument for the item’s value in how it works on the runway, flaunting that sweet, sweet, mog.

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“I need it for transmog.”

How am I not using the basic definition of the word “need”

Sincere question. Lets say I want an item from LFR for transmog, and i way outgear LFR.

How should I get it?


I still would prefer blizzard to do one of these things instead.

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