This game's community is really selfish

Straw-zygote, even.

Welcome to WoW… If your going to leave can I have your gold?

On the other hand, just imagine how hot the wheat on wheat action was to create the straw embryo.

Yes, PL solves all loot issues. You get what you get and you can’t have a fit or trade it with anyone. Problems solved. They should also get rid of loot showing in the chat window. Should be this way even for manually formed groups.

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What happens when I’m running with a buddy and I want to help him get geared up?

Wish him luck on getting drops

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If I want mog and don’t want to deal with people complaining about ilvl upgrades, I use alts that have passable gear to get into LFR.

People who want inspect then can’t complain about the ilvl not being an upgrade. How would anyone know this is my LFR mog alt?

That’s not how PL works at all, and it would introduce problems if it was.

No it doesn’t. It doesn’t solve any issues.

Example. Higher ilvl people can still win loot in PL. in fact they don’t even have the option to not roll.

This alone is a problem.

More problems created.

Nah spoiled brats just need to deal with losing a roll.


You were able to trade with personal loot. Meaning instead of being mad at rolling, you would get beggars in your whispers.

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The game would not allow them to roll Need if it wasn’t an upgrade.

People pay to play to have fun, it’s for them, not you.

I would argue you are being selfish by expecting others to put your wants above their own. That’s called entitlement.


This is not a problem, it just goes to gold spec.

No, it’s not, it keeps the flow of the group content going without anyone asking for it or trying to sell or buy.

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I remember, they need to drop the trade option and reintroduce PL.

What if loot didn’t drop at all and instead you got an LFR/Normal/Heroic Token for a piece of your choice or gather a currency?

That way people can’t say “they didn’t need the token drop”

Loot would be available at a raid vendor.

So you want to get loot even less often?

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So the game can be even more miserably grindy?

I never once attacked you. I said that we’ve given factual information as to why PL has been an issue in the past and why it won’t return. That we’ve given that information over and over in so many threads and people want to ignore it.

Nowhere in there is an attack or a comment on your intelligence.

It’s just an example showing spam doesn’t fix the main complaint of the thread.

Try to keep up.

Yes it is. You clearly don’t play with a guild or organized group because that is one of the two main reasons Pl was removed.

At this point you’re either trolling or completely clueless.

Truthfully, either way, whether through personal loot or group loot, you’ll still going to get less loot often. Only difference between PL and GL is you don’t have the trade window always opening when something drops in PL from people who think their entitled to what wasn’t dropped for them.

No loot system is perfect, either way.

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