This game's community is really selfish

So they’re selfish because they considered their need to be the same as or greater than yours? Who are you to decide who needs an item more?


These LFR threads never cease to amaze me.

This is incentive to do normal raids. What did yo ACTUALLY EXPECT on an MMORPG? This is what you pay $180/yr for - terrible isn’t it? Go play Skyrim.

we all contributed to the fight . i deserve it as much as you do, I DE it for mats


If you show up actually needing loot, you’re doing something wrong.

Should’ve been geared already from mythic raid and contributed more.

My advice is to never ever raid in Retail unless it’s a guild and you have some type of assurance you won’t be ninja’d out of loot.

Otherwise, never ever raid in Retail. Retail raiding is a 100% jebait thing now where basically no one really wants to do it anymore, but Blizzard puts ALL of the best loot inside of it on purpose and all of the best rewards in it on purpose to try and desperately entice people into it. It’s pure jebait.

I would compare it to a ghost town middle of no where province/state where the government will send you a check in the mail if you live there, like Alaska or rural Japan or something, but living there is for like 1% of the population, hence why it is a deserted ghost town lmaooooo.

Raiding is fun.

Loot is a tool. If you’re playing for loot, it’s always better to play at a later patch.

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He does need it for xmog, maybe your the one who is selfish

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Yes it’s fun with a guild. Otherwise no, not fun and a waste of time.

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Except, without a guild, you have a higher chance at loot. (Because other people have higher priority on certain things, as they should.)

Guild could stop running raid at X difficulty while others still need stuff. Which opens up possibilities to actually get loot.

RNG will be RNG until the end of wow. Anyone who participated has an equal chance to roll for any reason whatsoever regardless of how you think or feel the game should be. Your want is no greater than anyone else’s that was there and participated.

If you inspect and whisper me about loot I will DE it right infront of you.

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I think every time I use LFR on a new toon I did maybe one or two weeks and then I moved on to m+.

It’s not even worth sweating

If people can roll need on the item, then they have every right to roll need on the item. If they participated in the kill, they get every right to also join in for the rewards, regardless of their reasons.

They particapated in the kill, they’re able to roll need, the won the loot. You’re not entitled to ownership of any of the loot if you didn’t win the roll, even if the loot is a massive upgrade.


Talk about the entitlement of the OP


We have the same right to roll for it.

Blizzard created a hypercompetitive community to keep players blindly engaged in their degenerate hamster wheel and hypercompetitive people are very ‘me’ focused so…

Yeah, water is wet.

Vitriol aside the transmog rolls do actually need to mean something, since everyone is going to hit that need button every time.


The way raid loot is handled in this game is absolute garbage. It’s hilarious to me that a dead game like SWTOR has it figured out (true personal loot) but a game as big as WoW is still using a system from 2004.

It would hurt nothing and nobody to have true personal loot where you’re only rolling against yourself but we all know that they go with this garbage, outdated system to keep you coming back week after week.

And that’s exactly what y’all do.

The only thing that’s going to accomplish is making people who have lower level gear dress down into lower level gear just for the sole purpose of obtaining that piece of gear, and then put their higher level gear right back on once they get said piece of desired gear.

And then people like OP will come onto the forums crying even harder that they were screwed “unfairly” out of gear.

Bottom line, if y’all don’t want to chance someone getting gear that you need… Don’t. Run. PuGs.


Exactly. If you are in an lfr instead of a premade group you are implicitly consenting to a free for all in terms of loot.


Honestly, if you’re pugging at all, on any level, you are consenting to this.