This game will be killed the same way they're killing HotS

If you come out swinging, don’t be surprised when somebody punches you in the face in response.


How is Mei the start of that?

Genji is a disabled Asian man. He was put into the game far before Mei was.


Yeah, a Blizzard character being added to the blizzard crossover game is just a sign of the end times.



Ralph, I am going to say this now, and let it be known that it hurts me very much to actually have to type this, but you are cringe. Deadset cringe.


LOL What gives you the idea that I watch that guy?
What’s hilarious is you guys see that as alt-mainstream or whatever it is. That guy is just as reddit as you and your people.

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Zarya being in HotS 4 years ago was fine though?

No, the fact that Blizz is including things like Mei and other pandering options into WoW is indicative of a dying off of creative energies at Blizzards.
I haven’t once mentioned skin tone except in response to someone else bringing it up for some confusing reason I’ve yet to figure out.

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It’s so hard not to love Ralph.

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No, it was awful and definitely contributed to people losing interest in the game.

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Yeah, it’s a mystery.


Okay, well first HOTS is a cross over game of all the universes and shes not even the first Overwatch character to be added to that game.

So i’m a bit confused on how Mei is the catalyst for this argument of yours.

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Just because you have already been pandered to with the dwarf model does not mean that everyone else feels represented. Women don’t have to be sexy to be valuable or interesting, thanks.


“race” in wow refers to playable races as in but not limited to:
Orc, Human, Troll, Dwarf, etc etc
Nothing to do with color.

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Inb4 404…

:sweat_smile: see what I did there

Then go make your mmorpg, with blackjack… and the other thing.


Oh, so the addition to orcs, trolls, dwarves are contributing to:


Yeah. I don’t play OW. Never cared for it. Never bought it. Didn’t like the themes. And from what I hear, ow team probably most SJW Dept in Blizzard.

Wow has been resisting Blizzard layering too much of that in. Goodie 2 shoes are roundly mocked. I am hoping that getting Golden off the lore books is a potential positive outcome. Etc.

The significance of Mei is that HotS team has slowed production to 1 hero a year or less.
So while they feathered in extremely bland and pandering heroes like Tracer, Zarya, Hanzo,, etc, there were also wow/diablo/StarCraft heroes from actual fantasy games to at least cover the stench of OW.

I think he needs more than a Snickers lol

Okay, you’re obviously sub-70 IQ, so I have no idea how to talk to you. Maybe I should try grunts.