This game wasn't made for you: WoW vs Casual Players

well along with so many busted designs and have played wow for well over 14 years now i can say if thats true why is it that i farm one instence like plaugefall for one trinket that is bis and after well 200+ runs now havent seen it drop but seen more then a dozen others get it casual or not and im by no means hardcore player but how is this about gatekeeping and statisics when stuff litterally doesnt drop because of abysmal rates or seeing the same drops over and over again to the point where it feels busted but they will call it just rng even if its borderline broken state might not apply to Ion they can tweak there rng cant they in there favor thats the real reason they dont release statisical rng on stuff i dont believe after 200 attempts a trinket from that place shouldent of dropped i know others who had issues with it too but not over 200 attempts like this.


It is very strange. Like the people that care soo much about max ilvl conduits but only doo 15s and casually raid.
Very strange community.
They want to min/max but also not do any of the content that is required too min/max aswell.


They need to add badges and raid loot vendor already. Not getting a drop for a night, but knowing you made progress on purchasing an item would be better.


yah they do or some sort of point system with a defined finish line in the state of it now blizzard or i should say Ion doesn’t want people having a finish line except his people in his inner circle i mean i dont see the point with it not being like that its still a time metric that he supposily wants it to be anyways but its a defined way of progression not this pull a lever im in Las Vegas casino and i dont see the point it not being like that just like pvp honor system its a progression even if it takes awhile same can be applied to dungeons and raids im not gonna buy his generic response on him saying a casual will buy the wrong thing like he gives a damn about casual players time anyways.

What is casual? Is it time spent or effort? I know some pretty hardcore mog farmers and gold/market farmers who put in 3x the effort I ever will but never touch M+ or raiding. I also know some world 100 and better raiders who put in less than 15 hours a week, and sub 5 hours a week after they get their world rank clear.

Which of the two are casual? One puts in far more time, but the other does harder content.

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Hey, you’re probably making good points, but I’m having to reread what you’re writing over and over. If you create walls of text with no punctuation, people often end up skipping over it because it’s too hard to read.


yah im making good points and alot of other people do as well but the thing is it goes on deaf ear on alot of it sorry for the spelling wall.

A casual player is simultaneously everything and nothing, at this point. It’s a scapegoat term that people spin to whatever their current argument is, despite it’s actual meaning of “less time played.” Now people use it as a term for low skill players, lazy players, players who don’t group with others, players who only focus on collection aspects of the game, etc., all while those very people play 4-5 hours, seven days a week.


I wonder if maybe there’s a population threshold at which it ceases to be feasible to split communities (such as raiders) up between different tiers. Certainly there’s a critical mass of players required for any given group to remain healthy.

your spelling is on point but your keyboard seems to have broken every single one of it’s punctuation keys.

it’s a bit hard to read.

on topic: I’m solidly in the camp of “gear should drop at an ilvl commisurate to it’s difficulty.” quests should not reward the same ilvl as a dungeon. normal dungeons shouldn’t reward the same ilvl as mythic dungeons, etc.

no, I do not think there needs to be “a path to max ilvl” for players who never step into harder content.

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I’m casual and I feel like the game is directly made for me.
Casual is such a broad term. I’m casual because I don’t attempt to be the best of the best. I try my best in our heroic group and in m+, I’m not really interested in anything above a 15. I feel I could be an asset to a mythic guild but not a top 100 guild doing splits and all that. I feel that I could run m+ 20s but I don’t look for it.

At this moment, I don’t feel behind anyone in terms of gear. In a few weeks, I won’t be behind at all.

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Schrodinger’s casual? :cat: :package:


Blizzard should remove things like the creation catalyst and great vault from the game. Immediately. All people ever do is complain about them.


what? no, I can finally build LFR mog sets without ever stepping foot into LFR

it’s gonna be great

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i share the feeling. Casuals have caused a lot of irreparable damage to the game in WOLK and onwards.

It’s all good. We’re just trying to get you heard.
Throw in some paragraph breaks between thoughts.

The posts that get the most traction in forums are often the short, easily read and understood posts. (I usually fail in the understood part).


Oh, does the Creation Catalyst pick the coloration based on ilvl? I honestly kinda assumed it would all just be the normal set. Not having to farm LFR every week, or just accepting that I’ll get it later, would be amazing.

That can’t be, this is the hardest to get tier it has ever been. I read it on the forums, so it must be true.

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it does!

  • Items of 249 item level or lower will take the LFR appearance

  • Items between 252 and 262 will take the Normal appearance

  • Items between 265 and 275 will take the Heroic appearance

  • Items at 278 or above will take the Mythic appearance


You know, funny, this topic gets brought up about once a month. This is the first time I see very few actual casuals. They’re gone.

4 to 6 months ago there’d already be a debate about casuals wanting gear dropping from the sky. Majority of these posts mention raiding and Mythics. The real casual base left. Most people have blinders on when it comes to an actual casual.