This game REALLY needs a CPU overhaul

im aware that its terrible on optimization thats why im on wz getting 300 fps without spikes :slight_smile:

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I get 120 solid at max settings on a 10700F and a 3060 with my addons on in Val.

Delete your coin miners, should help.

You cannot do anything
 unless they do WoW 2 with a new Engine
 which won’t happen
 the old engine is just being updated over and over and it reached its limits.

I know. The WoW community is filled with mostly awful people who don’t care and are inherently very selfish.

Just because they don’t have the problem, means it’s not real and it’s my fault somehow. I guess they learned that kind of psychotic attitude from Blizzard themselves.

No you are not, no one is, there is not a single person in this entire game that can do that.

I just turned off all my addons, turned my graphics to potato settings and still, only 80 FPS in valdrakken. Turn my graphics back up to full and I drop to only 70 FPS, re-enable all my addons and it’s now 60 FPS.

There is a 20 FPS difference in Valdrakken between potato settings and everything on and you are lying if you say otherwise, why the game drops has NOTHING to do with addons or graphics.

No they are just lying. There is not a single person who in a raid, BG or major city can get high FPS in any situation.


I cap it at 75 fps, my monitor’s rate.
Dont think ill need more thatn that for an mmo, even on pvp.

I like the game this way. I have a 1660Ti and have 0 reason to upgrade. Past 60FPS is a waste anyway. I always just cap mine there

Maybe, but the fact this all still happens and we still can drop below 60 when in a major city, most importantly it happens when in a raid, is bad.

40-50 is still playable sure, but having spikes means the game will have some lag times, and that is not good.


I had a 85 FPS cap during the original Vanilla, and it was so smooth. Around 144-170 hz is where the upper limit probably is, but I’m still super interested in seeing these 480+ FPS monitors in person.

Currently, I’m at 240 hz, and AFMF2 makes it possible to run that, pretty much, all of the time now, even in WoW.

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No, it really doesn’t.

You’re getting good FPS for an MMO with a lot of players in a crowded area, and with WoW set up the way it is, it can be played on a huge number of systems with different hardware setups.

WoW has to be a game that can be played on a broad number of systems, which is why hardware requirements have been increasing slowly, but never to the point where large numbers of players suddenly can’t play the game without upgrading their PC. It needs to stay that way. Eventually the CPU and GPU requirements will increase further, but not to the point where you’re getting 200+ frames in a crowded space. It’s never getting that high.

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WoW is coded in such a way that the game basically, DDoSes itself any time a large number of people are in the same area fighting. If you’re just sitting around doing nothing, then it’s no problem. The moment the engine has to start calculating hundreds of different abilities simultaneously and predicting based off of all those erratic movements, then it bogs down. There’s no way to fix that outside of completely changing the engine. And you might not want that.

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Alterac Valley disagrees with you, as does literally any other massive BG. Even back during classic days the game would lag heavily, frame rates would tank, but you could still play.

So the engine isn’t nearly as weak as you’re pretending it is.

Check your addons. Even if the game has the frame ready, the framerate is still limited by the UI thread, which is what processes all your addons.

I’m getting 90-120 FPS in the Nymue fight at 4k.

Usually, the whole BG isn’t in one particular spot. Anytime all 40 vs 40 were in the same immediate area, the game basically became unplayable. This is why there were objectives all over the map to discourage that type of gameplay.

Again, no it wasn’t.

I’ve been playing this game since 2004. Even at its worst, the game was playable. And yes, during AV and other BGs the majority of the players would converge at one spot. The bridge that leads to the Alliance base was one spot where the majority of Horde players would converge and the Alliance would likewise have a lot of players there defending that chokepoint.

This game handles large crowds fine, to a point. There are obvious exceptions. When there are an excessive number of players in one spot (hundreds, like during the Tournament of Ages event that Moon Guard hosts) it can create input lag, since the game has to process an excessive amount of data all at one time and it creates issues. But 95% of the time the engine runs just fine.

People defending Blizz is always surprising to me. The game really does need an optimization overhaul. There’s no defending it. Stop it lol


I think this is a bit of a stretch. Any time the game engine has to contend with large groups of players it bogs down. That’s why layering tech was implemented. Along with many other methods of keeping players spread around the world and/or involved in instances.

One can observe the problems with the game engine in any “event.” Pre-patch event is a good example. Same with SoD PvP events.

Like I said, you can have dozens or even hundreds of people in the same space as long as they’re not all hitting their buttons. As soon as people start moving and using their abilities, things become a slide show. This was evident even back in MoP when 1 raid from Emerald Dream could lag out the enemy shrine.

I don’t know, doesn’t happen to me. And I have only a 1660Ti. I never fall below 60. Maybe I don’t put my graphics super high? Like I always disable SSAO cause I can’t tell what it does anyway lol. Only time my FPS drops to like 30 is world bosses with lots of people/pre-patch bosses

You won’t see the same issues if you’re running at potato settings.

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Not potato settings. Mostly everything is high. I just disable SSAO because I can’t tell what it does anyway.