This game mode is supposed to be fun? Isn't it?

bro I work 8 hours a day. I’m married and play the game for 1 - 2 hours a day. that’s why I say that players are LAZY!!!

No, we want to ‘finish’ a temporary game mode / event in a reasonable amount of time. Spending 4 hours a day for 90 days aint it.


I made another character after they nerfed the froggers and buffed threads and caches. Remix is a lot better now than it was on day one.


the same amount of hours I have to spend on games. there’s no rush to complete this gamemode.



They literally want us to grind Bronze but keep nerfing every good source of grindable Bronze we find. It’s practically intentional trolling at this point.


that’s a good point LMAO :rofl:

Then do it, but don’t want to be as overpowered as the ones that expend a bunch of time playing it. you can just put 4hrs and expect to be as the ones expending a work day in it

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Yes and that’s okay, but if you want to be overpowered, overgeared and with all the mounts IN A WEEK… maybe you should play more


I don’t want to be overpowered, nor do most people. We want the mounts and transmog without spending 4 hours a day for 90 days.


you can get all the mounts within the first month just by doing quest lines and dailies…


I’m actually really enjoying questing and exploring in Remix and would love to see them Remix the other expansions as well in this style! The socket skills are great and keeps things interesting because I can switch out if I want to try something else. I’d love to that be brought over into Retail actually. Great job with this event, Blizzard!


Oh hey, just letting you know, but retail and classic are still available. They haven’t been disabled at all and are still there for people to play if they get finished with Remix.

In other words, stop caring how fast other people you will likely never meet are going to complete this event.


Yes, im enjoying myself a lot, replaying all MoP blasting all, this event is amazing!!


true that’s exacly my point. player’s don’t want to put in the effort they just want the reward!


They want to get all the mounts that takes like 3 years to drop in 2 weeks the audacity


There’s just no way the two of you aren’t just trolls.

Question, if you were told there was an event that was advertised as fun but you had to spend a few hours each day in that working in that ‘fun’ event to be able to get to the fun part eventually, would you be annoyed?

It’s like going to an amusement park but you have to work a few hours each day for a few weeks before you’re able to go on the rides. Oh and the souvenirs cost as much as that ride, so you have to choose between a ride, a souvenir, or work even more hours before you can get both. But remember, you weren’t told you had to work before you got there and you already paid your ticket to enter.


Ding Ding Ding. But if you don’t want to put in the work, you don’t get handed the rewards. That’s everyone’s problem complaining. Like someone already said people are being lazy. You can literally earn any reward you want for a small amount of time investment. Yes you have to work at it if your goal is to unlock every single transmog on offer from an ENTIRE expansion including a ton of rare drop mounts.

Counter point. I enjoy watching grass grow, it’s fun. Are you going to have fun watching it grow too? Just because someone calls something subjectively fun, doesn’t mean everyone is going to have fun doing it.

We all didn’t enjoy plunderstorm, that was advertised as fun and something everyone could do. But really it meant if you were willing to do pvp in a battle royal.


100 % this. I did some of the farms of those rare mounts and man it’s awfull gameplay loop. it’s alot more fun to farm it on remix.


Not trolling at all, gear sitting at 430 just missing 4 mounts playing storylines, 3 normal raids and dailies, barely 3 hours a day

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