This game mode is supposed to be fun? Isn't it?

Perhaps if people are flocking to hyper spawning mobs in order to farm bronze, the problem isn’t with the farms, it’s with your game mode.

Buff bronze acquisition.
Nerf how much it costs to upgrade gear.

It’s a temporary game mode, let people enjoy things.


Fun? yes Broken? no OP? yes if u put time into it!
Player are just LAZY and want everything in 1 week.
you have 80 days left in this event it’s plenty of time to farm what you need!


Just because it has 80 days left doesn’t mean everyone wants to put 80 days into it.






Not a good take brother. Calling players lazy is ridiculous. We don’t owe blizzard 90 days of our time. That time has to be earned! If the game mode is good people will log on consistently. You can not force these things with time gating.


it’s not forced. If you don’t want to play just don’t play it! simple. call it quits and stop crying so much that you gota FARM to have things


It is lazy tho. They didn’t have to make these hard to get or unobtainable items a thing, but they did. They require time investment. With how easy it is to get bronze, it’s already a handout. Legit two days of play got me mounts I had been farming for a decade. From two half days of playing. Calling it anything other than lazy entitlement is a lie.


Ah yes, entitlement on a temp game mode.


Where everything is insanely easy to get.


If you consider time as easy, sure.


Share holders don’t want to hear that players are quitting the game. Again, a bad take. You are thinking like a gamer and not like a business. If the player is telling you what they want changed and you don’t make that change you are shooting yourself in the foot. You are right, the players will go elsewhere and that’s money not being captured by Blizzard.

It’s forced and players clearly don’t like being time gated.


Blizzard doesn’t give a crap about ‘fun’. They’ve nerfed (and continue to) anything they can. Heaven forbid they actually do bug fixing though. Transmog unlocks still broke but hey there’s gems we can nerf for the 3rd time and another farm we can get rid of.


I can gear up faster in retail than this mode.


I don’t remember starting a bussines :person_shrugging:
OFC I think like a gamer. and for me it’s FUN to to have a goal in the video game!

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cool. link me your main char that got 538 ilvl gear.


So sick of this argument, eventually you same people will be saying “its only been 70 days, theres literally 10 days left, just put in the work”

Stop justifying blatant engagement metric techniques employed by blizzard in the form of extreme bronze upgrade costs, and low bronze acquisition.

After todays round of yet more nerfs in this allegedly “for fun” event, I think its time for me to head back to s4 where my time is actually respected and its not full of exploiters/cheaters/no lifers who constantly defend the worst parts about this mode.

I hope you all enjoy yourselves when theres nobody left except for the cheaters and no lifers,

I’m honestly looking forward to this mode being deleted so I can have the alts I’ve leveled on LIVE already.

And just for the record, I have put plenty effort into this mode in an attempt to give it a chance, I have 3 lvl 70s, 1 lvl 55, about 300k bronze just rotting across my chars, 120k spent on upgrades on 1 of them, so about 400k+ total

I was waiting for upgrade costs to get slashed but I’m honestly over this joke of a mode thats been nothing but blatant false advertising and cheaters since its release.


God forbid we have a life or something unexpected pops up. Like f- those people I guess. Broken? Yes things are broken and Blizzard cares more about nerfs than bug fixes. And you do realize people did already have everything in 1 week. Most of the froggers got cap gear and all the rewards they wanted. As for “LAZY”, this event was supposed to be fun. You know what’s not fun? Farming for hours on end each day. Did I do it? Yes. Was it fun? Heck no. But it seems that like Blizzard, even some players don’t get what ‘fun’ is.

This is not normal retail. Just because you don’t like something that’s easy doesn’t mean other people don’t enjoy a chill game after work.


If we get to day 70 with no reductions to upgrade cost I Will 100% make a post asking Blizzard to nerf gear upgrade costs. until then stop crying and go play the game. tose 15 minutes u spend on this book you could have farmed 3 k bronze

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Farm away, enjoy your farming.

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They want to finish the event in 2 weeks putting 2hrs every two days… sigh