This game is Really Bad Without World Buffs


In all seriousness, I expect sheer numbers to become an issue, not crazy mechanics.

i’m only worried about Loatheb, Huhuran, Viscidus and Kel’thuzad, in terms of high hp pools.

rest, the fight can drag on forever.

maaaaybe Maexxna.

I guess you’re not up on the Fresh Classic Server lobby groups current marketing strategy.

Fresh servers are almost always emphasized as a completely different game experience from the current the offering that it warrants their existence on the grounds of necessity even though its the exact same game - again. How do you keep the fourth fresh start as memorable as first fresh start which comes on the heels of those other fresh starts?

Im just trying to figure out who is kidding themselves, the players or the server copy itself because it seems like the lines are being muddled.

If there was no TBC and only a handful of Classic Era servers in the NA they would be loaded so the idea you need a fresh server to draw in population is bunk. It just works out that way because the option is available not because the option is special.

Its there because their metrics suggest its profitable, not to appease you because you’re correct in your beliefs. It wasnt an accident or mistake that Blizz went with modified seasonal servers.


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Got a small group of us on the only normal RP Server, for (Alliance) perma Vanilla Classic. We clear endgame dungeons, UBRS, Ony, ZG and MC, right now. A little stuck on BWL and no attempts on Naxx. AH/economy is pretty bad, but our small group still manages mats due to its availability, out in the open world lol

Never looted so much plaguebloom, before lol

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The only logical explanation I received for “fresh” (specifically Seasonal and not just another server that never wipes) is the chance to replay phases.

Im fine with that. Blizz is providing a space for those people albeit a shared experience with those who dont want to play the same version of Classic over and over.

There’s a logic and a framework Blizz is using with SoM servers. There is no legitimate logic or reason that supports fresh Classic Era servers which is most likely why they didnt go there and wont in the immediate future.

There’s years of precedent set by what has proven thus far to be an everfresh community of pre-cata wow enthusiasts that have been rotating through three versions of this game for years. Blizzard has the opportunity and the means to capture and monopolize this demographic.

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Yeah? Where? Don’t tell me private servers.

They gave it to us already.

Edit: And none of that validates fresh server advocates arguments in favor of fresh servers. If Blizz can make money on it, it will be there. Not because the players are correct and/or deserving.

Are we playing a game of ignoring data because it comes from the dirty place?


Please reference for me the one private server conglomerate that did Vanilla through Wrath servers on a rotating basis with numbers that are actually worth talking about.

Im ignoring the data because the earlier private server data that was theorized to suggest there’s a huge untapped market of people who want to play the classics because they were hot for a classic experience turned out to be complete BS in practice.


It’s like statistics being pulled from nether regions.

Yeah I kid but I do see the point that at least there is data to be used to extrapolate.
It’s still dirty.

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Oh I see, you’re living your own personal version of reality. Gotcha ok.


It would have been a little bit easier and way more honest to just say you cant back up what youre saying.

Classic is a success for Blizzard but for anyone keeping notes our little nostalgic trip was anything but.

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I stated a matter of fact that’s plane to anyone that keeps abreast of the pre-cata community and you immediately moved to a categorical denial of reality and attempt at reframing to abstraction. It’s obvious how the rest of the exchange was going to go, I don’t need to waste my time playing it out with you; there’s nothing dishonest about my disgust.


If you think it’s bad, stop playing.

Lots of us think the game is better this way.

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Yeah, Im apart of or at least was apart of the pre cata server “community” - I spent a lot of time there. Which is why Im kinda miffed at youre implication that there was a dedicated and unified pre cata community rotating through the three pre cata games together in such a capacity that it warrants Blizzards full attention and dedication. Its not like Im denying the existence of private servers.

And of course when I ask you to tell me where this clearly observable reality is you balk like every other poster with an agenda but no evidence. Disgust indeed.

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You cant take anything from private server data - not anymore. They served their purpose - now we have official server data to pull from and if anyones heart is warmed with how beautiful the whole experience has been Id be very skeptical about that persons opinions.

If we were to make a real honest assessment of the whole affair we would be forced to conclude that Brack was way more on the mark with his you think you do but you dont then whatever the antithesis of that is.

I can only speak for myself.
I acknowledged the point another poster made.

JAB was wrong but this is solely based on my expectations and experience. I’m perfectly content with Classic Era.

edit to say that I’m miffed that the forced update to 1.14 broke so much that has yet to be fixed but other than that I’m good

I described a generally observable reality and you tried to reframe it with the most uncharitable and literal interpretation possible, then called me dishonest for refusing to engage with your weirdly hostile bs. Piss off.