This game is Really Bad Without World Buffs

your logic makes literally no sense at all but ok

I dont see the difference between classic and classic fresh. Its the same game. Those who clamor for fresh always suggest the opposite.

Like the poster below me. How is the game different? More people play it. Oh.

Classic Era currently: P6, minimal population. No content to progress into, all content unlocked.

Classic Era fresh: P1, fresh server high population.


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Yeah they killed SoM by having PVP gear in the game this early. No point in running MC when you can just jack dick around AV and have better gear without any work.


You might be confusing the game being bad with you being bad.


Is it the game that’s bad without world buffs?

Perhaps the problem lies closer to home?


i don’t like world buffs. i think this is better.


Lol, most guilds won’t clear naxx.

They barely cleared Naxx with world buffs. With double the HP, new mechanics and no WB what % of guilds do you see even seriously attempting a Saph kill?

Vanilla progression is back. Let’s enjoy it while it lasts.


Most guilds won’t clear bwl, let alone step into AQ40. Watch and see, the power vacuum from the couple guilds clearing per server will dry up the lower guilds. It happened in classic too, but on SOM the vacuum started at MC


Doesn’t refute what I’m saying but okay.

i just killed Rag this weekend and while certainly harder, it’s not THAT much different.

it only took about 4 attempts. MC is certainly not the months of progression the original vanilla had.

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But it is progression nonetheless. Which Classic had none of.

And hey, who knows, if the difficulty jump is the same for Naxx we might get our 3-month, 600 wipes progressions.




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Then you need to rephrase your question because my response answered it.

No, it did not.

You told me the obvious. Now tell me what is different about one copy of vanilla to the next. The game itself - how does fresh accomplish this feat?

Pointless conversation. Doubt you can’t figure it out on your own.

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How many wipes do you think casual guilds will need to clear Naxx? I mean, it took most of us 2-3 weeks to clear the entire thing in Classic.

And what about hardcore guilds? Even they (outside of Progress) had multiple wipes on Saph with world buffs during the first week, and they had to deal with half the HP that we’ll have to deal with.

At the very least, Loatheb, Saph, 4HM and KT will be uphill battles. Trying to predict wipe counts is, of course, kind of futile - no one could have expected that Uu’nat would be a 700 wipes boss for the best guilds in the world, for example, dude looked like a 200 wipes boss - but speculating is fun.

Yeah pointless because you have nothing to say other than “fresh”.

I see. Youre thrown off by the word fresh. Vanilla/Classic Wow can never be new or fresh ever again. Its just another server - and thats it. Its the exact same game no matter how many times you start over.

I dont see the point personally and I always wondered when and if someone was gonna get around to it and actually explain how its fundamentally different every time you restart the same game over and over without resorting to the same stupid tropes.

I guess Ill keep waiting.

If you don’t see the point in fresh as-is servers then you need to be looking for a new game. That’s pretty much the end of the conversation


i hear in SoM, the 4HM will have Painsmith spike waves and the floor will have the layout of ragnaros room.