This game is rated T for Teen, just passing that small but rather relevant bit of info onto the OP.
I almost wanna give you a +1 for trolling me and getting me to actually respond. Well played.
Apparently on here you may troll each other, but if you defend yourself you will get banned. That’s what I keep seeing anyways lol so don’t defend yourself just argue back! Yeah!
I mean WoW is not fortnite. WoW is a very easy MMO to get into. If he’s struggling I recommend having him playing a warrior human, thats as easy as it gets. Maybe you can teach him the basics. WoW can be played in many ways, hell in Vanilla I grinded to 60 by killing mobs South Park style without doing quests. For the record, I think this argument is pretty face palm as it is, but popcorn worthy sure is.
This isn’t Old Republic. There isn’t a main “campaign.” All quests are part of the storyline for that zone.
And it shouldn’t be difficult. Especially after the Cata changes. Everything in the starter zones leads you to the next.
He just needs to start out at level 1 and perhaps have him read this:
That guide isn’t obvious to new players, it’s not really available for new players in the game.
If people are smart enough to read a website for a game, it’s pretty obvious. That’s how I’ve started playing any game I wanted to learn.
That’s your issue. A seven year old shouldn’t be playing this game. It’s not an RTS. It’s nothing like what he’s been doing. Even you said he takes long walks in Skyrim.
This game isn’t elitist. It doesn’t cater to a small group. And it is easy to pick up once you enable the tutorial and go through the starter zone slowly and read the guide.
But he’s 7. He needs more years on him. Even my brilliant niece who graduated high school two years early didn’t pick up WoW until she was 12.
You can’t tell me what to do?
I have to agree with this. My strongest memories are of when I first started and didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I remember being terrified of everything on the screen, and my sister laughing at me for running away from a yellow boar.
Lol yeah but there’s so much overwhelming stuff that the game makes you feel like you have to do or aren’t a part of yet. It’s a highly restrictive game and when you reach lvl 120 it doesn’t get any better
This game is rated T for Teens, it’s not meant to be played by 7 year old kids.
That’s not because their brains cannot comprehend… it’s because of violence man. It’s all contingent upon your culture and what you believe. Not sure why this is an argument?
This pretty much confirms that you’re just an alt of Thearchitect. Way too similar posting style to be a coincidence.
What stuff is overwhelming?
You keep getting quests and doing quests that are not gray.
Voi-la level 120.
And you can use dungeon finder too, which all you need to do is select a role and join a queue.
Can’t be more streamlined than that.
Why is everyone coming on here to tell me I’m somebody else? What is that about and why does it matter if I was lol like how does that change the content of what is being said? Bias much?
Because you’re just trolling and we can’t take any of your complaints seriously. You’ve burned way too many bridges at this point.
the worst part about this threat is that Blizzard probably thinks hes right and tries to make the game even more braindead friendly with the next expansion (which should be impossible, but that I thought during Legion and look where we are now).
Who is we? Where did you randomly come from? And how am I trolling if you just entered the discussion to claim I’m an imposter. So what if I was another guy from another world, does that change was said? How are you helping?
See? These kinds of stories are part of what made this game great.
I remember finishing my quests in the ghostlands and trying to figure out where to go. I finally found the portal to the Eastern Plagurlands and was super excited that i finally found the next zone.
I spent the next several hours working my way through the easterm plaguelands, then the western, then finally to Tirisfal Glades. I died sooooooo many times.
I was super relieved to see those level 10 mobs that didn’t one shot me.
Then I wandered up to the scarlet monastery and died again.
It was awesome!
Quit making me realize how bad modern WoW’s levelling is.