This game does not feel inviting for new young players

New players probably stand a better chance of getting hooked to the game if they start playing with a friend (new or old player).


The problem is the younger generation has lower attention spans due to social media/smartphones, an MMO-style video game just struggles to get it’s “hooks” in them as a result

And the younger guys just don’t seem interested in the genre anyways, meanwhile, other video game genres (…the non-MMO ones) are actually satisfying their tastes and thus blowing up

Believe me I have two younger brothers and I’ve tried to get them into WoW here and there as far back as Legion - but no dice… they try it for like 2 weeks to a month, get bored, and then quit to go back to their other games


Which grinds are new players having to “suffer” through other than almost nothing. I don’t really expect an answer from you, if you do answer I’m sure you’ll edit and delete it. lol

He’s an act, for sure. He’s just another guy who’s hated on the game for years but won’t play a “better” game.


Most MMOs of any size are the same. Even the smaller ones - I’ve played Pallia and I still need to search out information on the best ways to navigate through it.

I tried Final Fantasy 14 for a couple of weeks and found it the most confusing game I’ve ever played. The so-called Mentor system was a waste of time (as my Mentor never answered a question or was there to give any help). It was difficult to find an sort of information site that was set up to help people who had never palyed it, and I got little help from anyone ingame. After 2 weeks I gave up and left.

At least WoW has the Newcomer Chat system - Im a Guide on many of my alts and I always do my best to help new players, as do most of the other Guides.

Untrue. A day of play doesn’t go by without me interreacting with many new players and they frequently say how much they are enjoying it.


You have been playing for 3-5 years at least.

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You aren’t a new player. You don’t realize how many new players are getting m+ and raid ready within a month of playing


What original poster meant to say: I’ve been playing this game for a long time yet I lack the mental capacity to grasp the concept of how to become a viable member of the community. In that regard I’m gonna go to the forums and say the games not enjoyable or attractable to “new” players like me.

If you don’t like the game and simply can’t figure it out. Quit paying for it and move on.


you’d lose that bet.


“Playing for a long time.”

I played one month in BFA, and started this late into the season. I am effectively still a new player. You just don’t want to hear it, I get it. Ignorance is bliss.

I feel like this argument falls flat when the reality is even people who have been playing for over a decade still have to go to 3rd party websites to learn what their new stats are, what’s BiS for them, etc. The game just doesn’t do a good job of explaining stat value and prio, so we have to go to 3rd party sites to understand it. It’s not a “young person” thing. It’s just a research thing.


Then the game is designed horribly. Everything needed to accomplish all content, no matter the difficulty, should be shown in-game resources, no add-ons or 3rd party sites or anything. Just further accentuates driving the new player away from the game.

We get younger, newer players coming into our CE raiding team on a regular basis.

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I disagree that the game is not inviting on the basis of lore.

Lore has never been presented particularly well. In fact, I’d say that recent lore is probably presented better, as the railroaded campaigns introduce you to all the relevent characters and you have to experience most of the major expansion events.

The 20 year old game is not going to make a tutorial for everything. It’s just not. And idk why you would expect it to. What game shows you absolutely everything?

I’m going to disagree with you here considering WoW has been built from the ground up with things like addons in mind. If you want a game where addons haven’t been considered, there are lots of other games you can enjoy. But WoW’s philosophy from the get-go was to incorporate 3rd party addons, and while you are saying you’re fresh to the scene, the game has baked in a good amount of those addons (although not done them as well in my opinion).

I get it. You don’t wanna do research and you feel like you shouldn’t have to. It’s fine you feel that way. Maybe ask some old timers for the information and you’ll have a better time, or is socializing also something you don’t wish to do? Because if you try to talk to the same old timers, they can tell you the same things.

I’ll be real, I don’t look up my BiS. My girlfriend does. So when we’re in raid? I ask her: “Psst. Babe. Is that on our BiS list?” lol

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But it’s well known that young people don’t like using addons or mods.

Sites like nexusmods require proof that you’re over 40 before you can download anything, for example.

? i’m wrong for expecting some in-game guides on current content that doesnt require the use of addons or 3rd party websites? i’m not asking for a guide on how to kill the lich king LMFAO.

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Let’s see. Current game’s I’m playing outside of WoW…

Green Hell
Against the Storm
Long Dark

Do you know what I do when I have a question on any of those?

I look at the wiki. Or reddit.


Then what are you asking for? You said…

I’m just not even gonna bother anymore. There’s an abudant number of complaints from new players on why the game sucks for them, this is just another one of the posts that explains it from an unbiased point of view.

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I feel bad for new players. The tutorial zone is a joke; this game does not help new players ease into their respective roles at all. New players don’t know what sims are, they have to look up their optimal rotation and which macros to use, they don’t know what WeakAuras and sArena and Omnibar are, etc.

Not a single quest in this game teaches you which spells from each class to kick, which enemy mobs or players to burn down first, how to position in Arenas or even the fact that many spells belong to two spell schools, which means that some spells won’t be locked when you are interrupted. This game is so unfriendly to newbies. The entire UI needs a rework because of how much it stifles players’ potential.

The fact that people are latching onto the “young” part in the OP instead of actually reading is part of the problem in this community too.