This expansion is being rushed

How is it rushed? There are no more systems or controversial features and very minimal features to test but everything can be tested within this timeframe.

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You’d best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Because now you’re in one

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water? Or a different kind?

Imagine taking a cup full of water from your dog’s water dish, if you’ve a dog.

So, it’s not My Way or the Highway then.

Thick water predecessor. Prototype, if you will.

Hot lemonade and syrup of ipecac.

If you’re old enough to know

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

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The beta has so many performance issues its kind of insane. It’s like the DF alpha issues they tried to ignore but 100x worse now because they ignored everyone telling them that they have a problem they need to address. And that’s just performance.

The content itself is the same recycled/reskinned/rehashed garbage from the past 20 years with a “fresh coat of paint” even though with each expansion that coat of paint looks more dull and bland than the last.

Story/lore remains to be seen under Metzen of today, I doubt he can fix the damage done though, people here are still demanding velf pallys for some reason so it’d be hard to reverse such damage.

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To think beta / PTR issues will translate to live is just misrepresentation of how everything works. Because test servers are never a final product nor are they a stable environment. To think that are is pure arrogance on your part for not knowing. Chronicles 4 already came out and the information that has given will not retcon “most” hated expansion shadowlands.

What ever you say boss. I’m tired and going to bed so whatever makes you happy.

Yea, the instability I’ve had since DFs alpha that led into TWW beta sure is a misrepresentation alright? :roll_eyes:

Please continue to tell them to ignore the issue.

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Indeed it is scary!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Sleep well, then.

Theyve said faster expansion cycle but also have said this saga will take us into 2030 so that kind of implies not really faster, we’ll see which way it goes I guess

I don’t know how long ago was your issue but when I play dragonflight content now in 10.2.7 is pretty stable to me despite some hiccups here and there.

“Take us into 2030” more like before that. Maria Hamilton confirmed it will be before that year.

When you don’t have to model an almost entirely new game because of some stupid borrowed power system, then maybe it makes development easier?

Even then, 2024 to 2026, 2026 to 2028, 2028 to 2030, its about the same 2 years

A lot of good it did those expansions !!!

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I’ll bet my money that it will follow dragonflight timeline 18 months per expansions.

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