This expansion is being rushed

I said this months ago and everyone yelled at me like, “nuh uh, you wrong!”

Ok, maybe only one person lol.

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Yeah no. From what you quoted, twice I said it was probably ATVI, and once I said that perhaps Microsoft could have pushed for it.

You’re really frustrating to talk to, because you’re trying to nitpick like this without reading carefully what was typed.

Edit: And I see you edited your post to remove all the quoting you did, because it shows you were wrong.

It wouldn’t be a modern WoW expansion it it wasn’t.


LOL ok right back at ya

I don’t sympathize.

It’s ok, a few times you tried to put words in my mouth, and I had to clarify what I actually said.

Cut costs, increase revenue. It’s why they cut so many jobs when they took over, isn’t it? QA was one of the areas that has been getting cut, GMs as well.


They cut so many jobs because they can’t justify that micromanagement. Microsoft’s basically the mafia for the local businesses in an ecosystem where the games industry is New York, right now.

Oh god we are all screwed if that is the case, that state is a mess.

They cut jobs in Blizzard and Activision, not their own teams though? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, but they’re definitely pushing for things differently than before and it’s also possible that current developers are just pushing for more money for less work because of shareholders or perceived expectations from Microsoft.

Why would it be? 10-20 hour games still ask for $70.

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Overwhelming majority of us on the forums are going to buy and play the expansion.

When the game is down/bugging, we’ll be mad. When its back up or working well, we’ll forget we were just mad. Two weeks later we’ll forget about any launch issues and move on to griping about class balance. Like every launch.

It’ll be fine.


Jokes aside, it is pretty bad for the industry on the whole.

I think I misunderstood you? Are you talking about teams being dropped, like the drama some months ago, or individual job loss? Restructuring is hard to take guesses at the cause of, but they’re almost always an internal issue. This is the kind of situation where being “made redundant” is corporately different from being fired, even if for the Joe Shmoe being fired it makes no difference.

I haven’t kept up with Blizzard’s personal restructurings, they happen ridiculously frequently tbh. Their turnover rate (jokingly) makes retail look stable.

People say this about every expac.

Like, all of them. There’s always something that isn’t 100% done, there’s always cut content. It is what it is.


I agree with you but after 20 years of “it is what it is”, should we expect a tad more? Or is it too much to ask from a small indie company.

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No. If anything it’s gonna be less now that we’re moving to mini expansions. It also stinks that everybody quits if a patch/expac isn’t immediately good which only makes sense for them to abandon instead of really work to improve stuff.

Anyways, not everything deserves to be in. Not every spec is gonna get an extreme amount of attention.

I mean, what do you expect from a rushed, mediocre product delivered?

When you start rushing everything, it sets a precedent for future content.

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What they called “Alpha,” was really a beta, they just called it that to keep you all segregated.

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Wrath was just over 3 months
Beta: July 27
Release: November 13

Legion was just below 4 months
Beta: May 9
Release: August 30th

BFA was 4 months
Beta: April 24
Release: August 14

I havent checked every expansion, but those were a couple of the shorter ones I saw after a 30 second google search.


How was WoD?

Not sure about the drama unless it was about how Qwik kept dropping QA and mentioned how it wasn’t a career, etc. Between that and the restructures since the merge, which means that microsoft definitely affected Activision Blizzard by cutting QA and GMs. Quality for game and GMs has dropped hard.

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