Complexity limit literally just finished up a heroic clear with over 20 people. They did splits all day yesterday.
But you’re right, top guilds would never have figured this out and wouldn’t take advantage of it because they don’t do anything and everything to increase their chances of winning.
World bosses are on a set rotation. That’s why when the servers opened up, Revendreth completely crashed out of existence. Everyone knew who was next, because it’s a set rotation. The only “random” part to it was which boss would blizzard spawn first. Next week is Bastions.
What are you even saying here… what RNG? Are you talking about your Memories off these bosses? Because those are 100% drop rate, something blizzard has already confirmed.
You make some decent points but you seem really hung on one that is easily proven wrong. Open your adventure journal and look at the world boss section. We got Maldraxxus first, then Ardenweald, then Revendreth. It went down that list, it only skipped Bastion because for whatever reason, blizzard chose to start with Maldraxxus’. Bastion is next weeks, then back to Maldraxxus.
To be honest on of the things I have issues with is the new legendary system .
I have no problem if people want to say start off with a higher ranked legendary right away and have the gold and are willing to farm Torghast for the soul ash to do it .
Now for the but (there is always a but) for those that don’t have the gold or may not be that good at doing higher levels they are punished if they want to rank up their legendary because they could only afford a rank 1.
The soul ash isn’t that big of an issue and may tale them longer to get but it is doable the problem is you have to purchase an upgraded version of the base item to upgrade . Now if you have a guild willing to help you out cool but if not you’re kind of screwed . Most people don’t have the kind of I can buy a log boi kind of gold to buy multiple base items to upgrade legendaries.
There should of been a way to upgrade a base item like just a soul ash difference or doing raids for upgrades like the WoD ring.
Also, the reality of the horrid class imbalance and systems designs after delaying the xpac to “fix and polish”, but spent all that time doing the exact opposite.
it’s no wonder they refuse to communicate with the player base when the lies and incompetence are so glaringly apparent.
They work hard and play hard for what they have, they cleverly use things Blizzard has over-looked for advantages before they’re patched for us regular folks.
However, most the people concerned about squeaking out that last 1-2% aren’t even in those types of guilds, they just do whatever the best people are doing and don’t know why. Yes, I listen to their streams. Even they say - if you’re not trying to be as competitive as them, you should play whatever class / race combo you want because it doesn’t really matter.
The thing is, it appears to be on a set rotation, much like Torghast was assumed to be - then, after every wing was opened once, it went FULL RNG on which wing opens for the week. If it turns out in two weeks, I’m wrong, I’ll remove that bit. But as it stands, because of Torghast, I don’t trust Blizzard for set rotations of anything. At. All.
I did edit it to make point C my opinion, though. I did come off pushier than I intended.
The forums would be upset if Blizzard gave them everything they’ve ever complained about because it would make the game too easy. There’s no amount of appealing to their demands that would make them content with the game’s state. I’ve been around long enough to know that Blizzard has, in fact, done almost everything they’ve ever asked for and it still isn’t enough.
The forums don’t speak for the people playing the game. If by “most”, you mean the playerbase, I feel confident enough in saying that the playerbase does not give an absolute crap about anything the forums might have to say about the game.
For now, over time it can be upgraded more and that’s a pretty good item level, if you are at least there you are going to do good if you know how to play your class.
We also have conquest gear, we can get 550 conquest a week to choose what items we want and we can pick a PvP item from the vault that can even be upgraded depending on your rating. If you can push to at least 1800later in the season you can upgrade a full set of PvP gear to 220 item level. While you will be a little bit behind the mythic raiders and better PvPers you are going to be set.
Even if you dislike arena you can easily get into yolo Rated BG’s (pretty much the same as doing a random but you get rating and more honor/conquest.) and then move on up to proper rated BG’s once your a little more experienced.
Even after delaying the xpac for the purpose, they can’t/won’t even reasonably improve classes or the covenants wack imbalance. I don’t trust Blizzard for set rotations of anything. At. All. Either.
Classes can be fixed. All this other stuff at the core of the system it was built on - that can’t be repaired with duct tape and band-aids.
See, I’m actually writing my own tabletop RPG system. And I’ve been working on the core of the system for months.
If your core doesn’t hold strong enough to branch out from, you cannot progress beyond it. If your dice rolls, chances, static bonuses, talents, etc. can’t function, you can’t hope to add more complex mechanics later on and expect it to work.
Right, and the OP is talking about how you should approach normal/heroic raid size to maximize loot drops.
Edit: Also I want to point out that Blizzard has said the AVERAGE amount of drops should be 3 per 20 man, not that 3 is guaranteed to matter what. As far as I’m aware you can still get 0 or get 5, but if you clear the raid out every week you should walk out with around 30 pieces of loot (per difficulty) each week.
No kidding . Yesterday I did world boss and all my covenant stuff on this hunter and did the same on another hunter that I have been kind of maining because it has the meta covenant (night fae) then I started working on a 3rd hunter I am doing for Revendreth story .
I got the 3rd one to 60 on Monday and started doing the Covenant campaign on it after finishing the other 2.
I see people going SL isn’t alt friendly but to be honest it seems a heck of a lot more alt friendly then main friendly.