This Expac is a Failure:

Let me explain. You have a guild of 20 mythic raiders.
Hi, mythic raiders.

They’re trying to get geared.

Hi, people trying to get geared.

They split into two groups of 10.

Drop rate is still 3 items per boss. Now, instead of a 3/20 chance, they have a 3 in 10 chance.

Further organization puts people who wear more of the same gear together.

Now, they have two groups progressing with a Roughly worse than 1/3 chance of someone getting gear. After everything’s gone far enough, they bring them back together.

They’re getting loot twice as fast this way.

Badges and Justice Points say I’ll give you 1k of them to shove off.

My friends are mostly melee. They have a bad time with whirlwind.

It’s not that there is time-gating, it’s that the rewards after are exponentially worse than what we’re getting before it even. Increased World Item level drop ra- “Oh, it’s worse than normal dungeons.” :grimacing:


Ok yeah you’ve lost me. RBG, 1300 mmr team, 1st game, multiple games… Thanks tho.

Ah, ok. That’s pvp?

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I’ll agree with this. Was in Castle last night till my dog made it clear he needed attention & 3 loot drops per boss? That’s some cheese right there. As far as WQ item drops, I’m fine with that since I run dungeons(I’ve yet to do M+, but I have off until the 2nd).

Most definitely. Which, you do not do, as I do not. lol

Badges and JP never gave you tier sets for higher difficulties.

I’m glad they fixed gear drops it was out of control.


We should actually have flying in less then a year unless this patch lasts that long. Blizz has already confirmed we will have flying in the first major content patch which should be 9.1


I’m ok with “time gating”. I’ve been getting timegated since 1975, playing pencil and paper D&D (original box set, 3 pamphlets thank you), with my buddies. The timegating was: we have to go home now, Dave’s parents want their family room back. See ya next week!

Edit: that gave Harry, the DM, time to create more stuff for us to do, anyway.


That’s what my post says up above. It’s not that I’m against time-gating, it’s that they’ve made the time-gating blatantly and pointlessly painful.

You aren’t benefitting from waiting. They give you lesser rewards and you don’t benefit on your alts, even, from this.

No, but they upgraded with each tier and started you off with some of your tier-set bonuses which helped a bit. Remember Wrath Epics? Good place-holders for the BiS gear.


Actually mythic raiders stack big groups of people instead of splitting into two small groups of 10 for more chances of loot for the 5 main characters they are trying to gear. I mean Method wiped out 3 servers worth of materials in BFA to be able to loot swap and I heard Complexity Limit paid people who got high ilevel weapons to run with them and trade them loot for Castle Nathria.

So yes you’re talking about split runs to try to divvy up loot as best as possible. It’s been this way for like 5 expansions if not longer.

That’s not dungeon loot, but I don’t disagree that badge loot would be nice as a failsafe for players.

Sounds like your friends need to be better if they struggle with 5s and 6s.

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I don’t dislike the xpac. However, I realized last night that it’s becoming a chore list, so I’ll be going on hiatus starting today. There are other games I’ve been wanting to try or go back to anyways, so this might be a good time to do that.


Bruh. Let me explain this to you. Blizzard came out and NERFED drop rates. Publicly. It’s not my fault you didn’t read their own announcements.

No matter your raid size (currently). You should only see THREE pieces of loot. NO MATTER YOUR RAID SIZE.

We have hit full clown-car mode. Where it’s actually more detrimental to play with MORE of your friends.


k Ion if you say so, hmm your guild name rings a bell ““Crisis”” just what this game is atm. In a bad way.

What’s your source on this besides

Because I don’t read that as 3 pieces of loot per raid regardless of group size, I read that as 3 pieces of loot for 20 and if you increase or decrease your raid size loot quantity should go up. It wouldn’t make any sense to make it 3 slots of gear per raid regardless of size.

And given that I have watched the top end guilds do their split farms with large raid groups people I have to call BS because if this was the case they’d be doing it too, and they’re not.


And players have experimented and found what I’ve said. Go explore. Play it. Have fun knowing this now. :slight_smile:

Enjoy it before it’s patched.

And they’re not doing it now because Mythic is 20 players. They all got geared up already. LOL.

Same. Did LFD a lot in Wrath and became burned out on the rudeness of others.

Guild disbanded in Cataclysm. So, now I’m solo.


I hope you’re all aware that half of the things you’re complaining about is utterly irrelevant to the average player.

It’s not a crisis if the majority of people playing the game don’t really care.

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That may be true, but the other half is relevant to the average player.

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Lord, when I hear “top rated raid guilds”, and “esports champions”… smh.