This entire expansion has been anti-pug

PVP players have had to gear through PVE for years, and they were all told to suck it up and deal with it.

PvE players don’t have to PvP, but they also can’t complain about not having gear when they haven’t used all available opportunities.

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Over using the word entitlement, wanting rewards for your time and progress from an mmoRPG is not entitlement. If people can’t progress in the game decently they’ll just leave. You don’t need to see my profile because it still wouldn’t change the fact that neither of you actually play the game and are speaking on things you don’t even do.


Ofc and I’m glad pvp finally is getting some love but you can’t sit there and say pve loot isn’t a problem right now. If they added valor points I’m sure things would get much better.


It’s not a problem.

People just think it’s a problem because they’re used to get heroic raid gear from every aspect of the game

It is a problem and anyone with a brain or actually does content ( unlike yourself) knows this. Getting 20 boss kills and no loot drops is a problem, you blindly defending blizzard doesn’t change that. They acknowledge as well and changes will be made, they don’t wanna lose the biggest part of their player base over something that could be fixed so easily. I’m off to bed now it’s am here.


RNG has literally always been a part of this game, since day one. This is no different.

Too bad so sad, the dice roll didn’t land in your favor.

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I wasn’t even talking about the systems or the content. The only comment I ever made was that pugs have always, universally, been a terrible option. I don’t need to play current content to know that. The rest of my argument is how you keep your profile hidden but have absolutely no problems pulling up others to talk down to them.

Considering that I can’t see your profile, I’m going to safely assume that you’re also speaking on things you don’t even do. We’re all people who don’t play the game so I don’t know why you insist on using it as leverage.

Patronization isn’t a good look on you.

And that’s fine at the end of the day I know I’m correct and millions of players including top players agree with my outlook and blizzard will buff pve loot drops in some form soon. Have a good day


Citation needed.

Nah, it’s not though.

Gear is fine, you don’t need BIS gear to down bosses, all the people who complain about loot either want loot with no effort or are already at an appropriate item level for the content they are doing.

Using slurs to insult people. Yikes.

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Gear is fine “ has only completed LFR”, “ honor level 6 “. Lol ok bro you have a nice one.

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“I need more gear for heroic raiding even though I’m wearing heroic raid pieces”

Wonder what it’s like being so entitled

Oh my bad you don’t even have LFR fully completed lol. My sincere apologies !.

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Sick burn m8.

Y’all still don’t need more gear. Keep throwing your tantrums baby boi

I’m ilvl 216 and I mostly pvp I’m good. You on the other hand? Don’t even play the game.
And don’t call me baby boy lol? Enjoy paying a monthly fee for a game you don’t play my guy if you’re even the one that pays for it.

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The only one I see crying here is you my guy.

More more more, there will never be enough to sate your entitlement.

Yes, this is intended but I think you are exagerating. This games has incentives for people to form groups.

No, they are saying “This is a multiplayer game, if you play it as a single player it is doable but not ideal”

That is probably because you think the M+ loot comes at the end of the dungeon

That is a sign that you reached your limit

I guess people have short memories.

Could you be less generic?

Yes it can be a lot of fun

Who said anything about anyone crying ? What are you goin on about now.

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It’s a game issue. The game causes elitism, which toxicity closely follows.

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You’ve been crying about loot drops being bad all thread brother