This class is crap

Mained Dk since I started the game, cutting edge/glad xp and this is the least fun ive ever had playing Dk.

Unholy feels so damn slow and clunky in PvE, its also boring in PvP too though. I miss the unholy blight/blood boil playstyle (how unholy was in late WoD/HFC)

Frost same thing, it has an interesting tool kit in PvP but both PvE and PvP it is garbage and way too simple with nothing going on. BoS is a horrible designed talent that if it exists needs to be an “all in” talent. It needs to do massive damage otherwise delete it and put something that’s actually good.

I member when howling blast actually did good damage :frowning:
The community has said forever make obliterate scale off mastery like please just listen to us


You’re missing one of the most OP specs in the game… blood

I agree on BoS. 2 mins doesn’t seem like a long time but given how other classes burst is handled it is too long for something that has such a short uptime.