One is single player driven ui element with results based on player effort.
Another is a social dynamic with involvement and effect on other people.
Historically in wow Ui/system change improvements never been part of pay wall or this levels of greed. By the logic you present any sort of account wide progression there is: tmog, toys, mounts, battle pets, heirlooms, reputations, reputation transfer and so on should be limited based on account status.
I do not understand how allowing players to remain in gameloop, social dynamics, letting them be exposed to promotional events/bnet ads and giving them constant reason to log back in to the game be that for collecting this or working on that is a bad thing.
This change cuts at exactly that and it does not solve core issue of alleged boting.
I do not understand this logic of segregation (we against them) and social filtering (you do not pay thus you are less than I) vibes that are being presented here in an effort to derail legit concerns and confusion that this change brought up and being posted in this thread.
" Npc not a banker " & " you can not do that right now "
error is still present and it will be confusing to many as time goes on.
One would hope at least that is addressed.
It is treating symptoms and not the disease.
There are still ways to bot collect gold past 1k with plethora of vendor items to sell back at later date be that at 50% or 70% loss. Since the only consideration is being able to run wow or not the % loss hardly matters.
There are still ways to bot collect any sort of materials and only activate account once it has desired amount of them.
All that without account wide bank.
Thus this alleged boting reason is null and void.
Account wide bank gave sense of long term investment and i believe retained interest in game for some people who other wise would leave.
Having a carrot to dangle over people hardly a bad thing.
Who cares if people save enough bottle caps for occasional wow token?
System is already heavily restricted.