"This character does not have access to this bank." Warband bank broken

One is single player driven ui element with results based on player effort.
Another is a social dynamic with involvement and effect on other people.

Historically in wow Ui/system change improvements never been part of pay wall or this levels of greed. By the logic you present any sort of account wide progression there is: tmog, toys, mounts, battle pets, heirlooms, reputations, reputation transfer and so on should be limited based on account status.

I do not understand how allowing players to remain in gameloop, social dynamics, letting them be exposed to promotional events/bnet ads and giving them constant reason to log back in to the game be that for collecting this or working on that is a bad thing.

This change cuts at exactly that and it does not solve core issue of alleged boting.

I do not understand this logic of segregation (we against them) and social filtering (you do not pay thus you are less than I) vibes that are being presented here in an effort to derail legit concerns and confusion that this change brought up and being posted in this thread.

" Npc not a banker " & " you can not do that right now "

error is still present and it will be confusing to many as time goes on.
One would hope at least that is addressed.

It is treating symptoms and not the disease.

There are still ways to bot collect gold past 1k with plethora of vendor items to sell back at later date be that at 50% or 70% loss. Since the only consideration is being able to run wow or not the % loss hardly matters.

There are still ways to bot collect any sort of materials and only activate account once it has desired amount of them.

All that without account wide bank.
Thus this alleged boting reason is null and void.

Account wide bank gave sense of long term investment and i believe retained interest in game for some people who other wise would leave.
Having a carrot to dangle over people hardly a bad thing.

Who cares if people save enough bottle caps for occasional wow token?
System is already heavily restricted.


Thing is it’s impossible for unpaid accounts to earn enough to pay for a token.

WoW accounts are capped at 65 characters per account. 65 x 1000g = 65,000g total you can possibly hold at once. The WoW token has not been under 180,000 gold each in over 4 years. Lately for the past expansion (2 years) it’s been well over 200,000g to up to over 300,000g and is presently stably hovering between 280k and 300k.

Blizzard could safely raise the amount of gold unpaid characters could have to 2000g (double what it is now and putting a lot of things like Garrison blueprints in reach with it) and never have to worry about people coming within spitting distance of being able to buy a token with it.

Fact also is AFAIK accounts that were never paid are not offered the option to re-activate using gold. Without that all you have is the option for helping players who have gold to spend get back or stay in the game which is the entire stated purpose of the token. The thing we don’t want of course is never-paying people and bot accounts being able to buy the tokens on disposable trials which they then use for nefarious things that harm the wow economy and playerbase.

I’ll note something else. With MoP: Remix timewalking they showed they have a system in place that they can use to effectively, reliably prevent players from sending or receiving mail except to those they want to allow them to send mail to. At this point it’s also punitive to not allow unpaid accounts access to the mail. Not to send mail, but clearly Remix demonstrated they can selectively prevent that, but to receive and open system mail which may contain things from quests, NPCs, etc. They could do that, selectively restrict those accounts, disallow players to send them anything with a message that “that character cannot receive mail” being given just as it was when you tried to send your remix toons anything from retail as well as disallowing the trials to send any mail themselves.

This presents again no risk of economic exploitation. No perverse incentive to botters or cheaters. It merely lets trial and lapsed account players get things from NPCs including say lost items they didn’t loot successfully. With the removal of the gift package with 200 timewarped badges this year for anniversary there’s not even anything that could be exploited via mass creating toons and being able to access the mail.

Same with the warband bank. Though in the case of the mail I admit they’d have to assign someone and spend time and money on it which I understand not wanting to do in this case. But they paid someone and spent time and money disabling the warband bank in the first place.


I see how it is Blizz, this is just petty.

This type of attitude actually does more to motivate me to not renew my sub and not support your company or its shady business practices.

I didn’t directly cancel my sub due to this

but I did choose to not renew my sub this month, with this change being one of the major contributing factors in that decision.

At the end of the day, all this really did was lower my opinion of your team even further.


I have been experiencing this as well, along with, “this unit is not a banker,” across all characters and all banker units I sincerely hope it is a bug that is resolved shortly. Not free2play by the way.

Uh no homie, not a bug.

Was intended.