"This character does not have access to this bank." Warband bank broken

So free trial.

How is that different than disabling trade, ah, mailbox for free trial accounts? The restriction remains the same, no exchange of gold nor items.

I just told you. Read the damned posts. It’s a huge QoL improvement for the F2P community that was yoinked away. At this point I have to believe you’re being purposefully obtuse for the sake of continuing an argument on the internet.

And as I said before, it was only in effect for a small blip of time in the 1-20 f2p/unsubbed history. The original f2p set of rules started in 2011 or 2012 (you had to have at least bought the game+expansions, but could be unsubbed). So for approximately 5% of the total history of f2p in WoW, you could circumvent one of the main rules of f2p accounts: no “mailbox,” even between alts.

This mostly likely is a case of Occam’s Razor: It was probably just on oversight… Seeing how it’s in the actual documentation now for what a trial account can/can’t do, there’s very little chance any forum echo-chamber pouting will have an effect on things.

It doesn’t matter how long it was in effect for. It was given, it was used, and then it was taken away.

It’s a jerk move.

Nothing you say is going to change that.

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Must’ve been a jerk move to fix the oversight in BGs where rogues could cleave for 99 level difference worth of damage onto someone using a critter too then.

Meh, you’ll get over it eventually. Accidents and oversights happen. I’ve been unsubbed lately, but have been doing some of the event stuff, and it even surprised me that they allowed me to use the warbank, but I had a feeling it would get changed because it seemed really odd when I still couldn’t use a mailbox or the AH.

If something seems to good to be true, it’s probably too good to be true. Getting mad over it being changed/fixed/corrected is just childish. It all falls into the same realm of forum complainers every time something broken gets nerfed.

No because that was not removing a QoL improvement from the game, that was fixing a bug. At this point you’re not even listening to what’s being said. You’re just arguing from a position of ignorance for the sake of argument.

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This was, by every known metric, an oversight. Trial accounts don’t get to trade items or gold. Period. The new system let them do that briefly, then it was disabled for trial accounts like every other option to move that.

If they wanted trial accounts to be able to send items and gold, they could make the mailbox useable and just restrict it to the self-mail conditions that are instant. They clearly do not want trial accounts getting to do so.

That was a lot of words to say “it was a jerk move”.

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Then it’s always been a jerk move to not let them use the mail. They are the same restriction.

Did I ever say it wasn’t a jerk move to not let the F2Ps use the mailbox exclusively between their alts? I don’t believe I did.

At any rate, it’s not a bug and has been confirmed as a deliberate change. They can probably close this thread up now.

Updated five days ago:

On the Starter Edition you will not have access to:

  • Depositing or withdrawing from the Warband Bank

Suggestions and feedback can be given via the in-game support tool.

It was a rug-pull. They let ftp accounts help work the bugs out of their new system, then yanked it.


1 paid account + 7 unpaid accounts, they use macros and a window clicker to farm ore, grass and skins

7 unpaid accounts put the mined into a regular bank,
after 1 month the subscription of another is paid and he withdraws resources from the bank and puts them up for auction

8 months and all in a new circle, the ban did not change anything

As I wrote earlier, the developers need to make sure that everything you get on your free account is tied to a squad and cannot be put up for auction.

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You know how easy would be for Blizz to deactivate all other 7 accounts and just allow WoW1 to be used when unsubbed? It probably is a literal switch they can flip.

Not to mention that any account with that pattern is an obvious bot.

And a few restrictions would have sufficed to make their point that you’re playing unsubbed, limit gold transactions to 1k a day, limit item transactions to 10 slots a day.

There, solved, the twinks get a cookie, the game gets some souls wandering the old empty maps, veterans get to retire and pay a token every now and then.

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You would think so, but they laid off the guy that knew how to flip that switch. All that’s left is mssql devs with no clue how anything works.

That being said, everyone ahould have known the f2p/trial being able to access the warbank was an oversight and not intended, they don’t even let paid players keep items/reps/achievements/titles/etc, as if they’re going to give a new feature away for free. I’m just surprised warbank access wasn’t added to the cash shop.

You’d be surprised how much overlap there can be between gold farming/bot accounts and some ocd/neurodivergent/spectrum player accounts; so a heuristic like that isn’t a reliable catch-all.

Pretty simple, dont. Easier if they implement deactivation of additional licenses within an unsubbed account. Simple.

Or the most simple option and the one they went with: No warbank for unsubbed accounts.

There was actually a time back when trial accounts were only for a few days when players could still get mail from NPCs and moderators. I played about 8 trail accounts before I broke down and bought the game not long before BC was originally released.