Yes, it does. Gonna be doing this each day for the free artifact power/honor. It’s a complete joke.
You take all the other bases then attack BS st full force and destroy them there . They will keep on coming after rezzing …like the mindless bots they are
This is exactly what I fear too … the only consolation is that there is no way Blizz would be able to keep it a secret . Employees or ex employees would leak this deception .
Imagine right click reporting someone for herb/mine botting and it’s actually a blizzard bot. Blizzard gets the report and deletes the bot right in front of you in a very dramatic burning effect while the bot is screaming in pain.
Would you feel guilty or rejoice?
In pvp that would be a nightmare for sure, but after dealing with a few of the tools I deal with in dungeons, that might not be a horrible thing lol.
I’m thinking maybe we should continue to treat new and return players badly. Lets exclude them because their current pvp and raid status isn’t like yours and mine, I mean their gear and raid histories can’t be brought up to match us, right?
Maybe we should continue to troll trade chat and kick new players who have no gear and (or) knowledge of mechanics yet from instances. Continue to berate them and call them baddies, make sure they feel unwelcome… I mean the Wow population is growing, right?
I’m just so happy that it seems no one is losing to bots.
Yeah I joined the new brawl yesterday, not knowing what it was. I asked when the BG was about to start and someone said just kill the AI. I thought he was saying Alliance is so bad that they’re practically bots, but no, it is actually AI. How disappointing. It’s just Islands but AB. They took the worst thing about WoW (islands) and merged it with the best thing about WoW (pvp).
We 5 capped in about 3 minutes.
I can finally get exalted with Arathor. Thank god.
Yes it does. BG week is usually a poo show so it’s handy lol
I think “a threat” is a bit strong
There are some things that bug me though… Currently you can get an achievements from it? Hell no…
This should be an honorless/achievmentless game mode for people to practice their classes in. I’d be alright with the same gear rewards (same as doing dungeons/mythic 0 for gear… Ezmode).
You don’t get achievement progress or honor kills.
Oh really? I thought I saw that you could get achievements?
I knew about the honor but I’ve seen people ask for it
Had to run it several times on my alt this morning, the quest was being buggy. I got 8 conquest per win, which I feel is a little ridiculous.
Naw, I sat at GM and tested - the warlock doesn’t actually damage you, so you can trade caps with her if you are alone. I watched progress on my achievement for defending flags and saw none, even though I defended the flag four times.
Good to hear… Well as long as that doesn’t change!
Other than that I think the modes fine… Most games have an air practice mode.
I got the achieve for finish under 6 mins and progress toward 15 5 caps. Feels pretty empty against AI. Take my chieve back and make them not count in vs ai please.
Oh, well all I have left is defending flags and 1600-0, and neither of those are progressing
What is scaring me is the amount of people getting sap capped by a robot.
Really? I wonder if that’s a bug.
After my first win the reward window only showed honor.